Hi I want to transfer to UM and i have some questions

<p>I am freshman at Miami Dade College. Right now i have 3.78 GPA. Thats pretty good to transferring to UM I know, but i want to know if they pay attention to something else too much. I dont do community service or any EC since high school. also I am an international student. But the other things are very important too? If they considerate it too much I need to start working on that.

<p>IMO I believe it’s extremely important to keep your gpa as high as possible while working on your community service hours ( try to find something that youll like, eg, park counselor, tutoring grade school kids , mentoring, etc ). Try to get a few good lors from your professors as well… To recap, a high gpa, some community service and good lors should get you in. GOOD LUCK…</p>

<p>thank you!</p>