Hidden gem nursing schools?

Hi guys!
I’m wondering if anyone on here knows of any “hidden gem” schools with nursing programs?
There’s the big state schools, and the the list of nursing schools from US World News, ect, but I want to know of more that you guys know about!

I love watching sports, so sports a a school is a must have. Direct entry programs are preferred. I don’t want ridiculously competitive schools, but I want a good program.
Tell me what you guys know :slight_smile:

I know two phenomenal students who want to go into nursing who both applied to TCU this year! TCU would definitely fit the sports requirement, and it sounds like there’s an excellent nursing school. Good luck!!

What part of the country are you looking at?

@Charliesch I’m pretty much open to anywhere!
I have looked at schools from east coast all the way to west coast.
The only thing, not sure why, but something about Florida doesn’t appeal to me to live there for four years, besides that I’m open hah

Thanks, I’ll look into there!
Anyone else? :slight_smile:

Niagara University. I have an old friend who earned her BS there and she has done very well. Nice, close-knit campus above the Niagara River gorge, not far from the famous Falls. Division I sports, with lots of support for basketball and hockey. Appears to have good scholarships and a lower COA to start.

Stevenson in MD has a good direct entry program

What are your in-state options? You don’t want to pay out of state rates for nursing school.

University of Massachusetts.

TCU --eh, I’m not sure it is worth the money. The RN/ADN students up the street from TCU at Tarrant County College will make the SAME initial starting wage as the TCU nurses who paid almost $60K per year. Most of them finish their BSN online and so in the end everyone makes the same money. Like any school, I’ve met some great TCU nursing students and some not so much.

Texas Womens University has a fantastic nursing school. So does UT Arlington but that does tend to be a commuter school.

What state are you in? I would never pay private school prices for a BSN. The only exception would be Baylor. I’m not a fan of the price, but their students get fantastic rotations at “Big Baylor” in Dallas and they are wonderfully well-trained. I’m always impressed with the Baylor RNs I meet.

Find one that has a great sim hospital; has good student rotations at busy inner city teaching hospitals with big trauma units/ER and go for that one!

St. Anselm, Scranton, Farfield and Sacred Heart. These schools have pass rates from 90% - 100% in any given year.

I’m in MI, some good schools here, but I’m not apposed to going out of state.
I am hoping to get a good amount of financial aid, also, I am likely getting a pretty decent scholarship, so money is not a huge concern.
Obviously, I would not pay $60k for a BSN which is why I took schools such as NYU off my list.

Thanks for everyone’s responses, I am looking into all of these schools as soon as you post them, so I really appreciate it!

If you are. Planning to go OOS, you are either planning to go to an OOS public university or a private college.

How can you be SO sure that you will get fabulous scholarship offers…especially as a direct admit nursing student. Those are pretty competitive programs.

In terms of OOS publics…don’t be so sure about scholarships. Some reserve their best awards for instate students.

And lastly…if you get some scholarship…in the vast majority of cases, this will reduce your financial need…so your need based aid will actually be reduced…usually starting with loans.

A hidden gem would be Shenandoah University in Winchester VA. My daughter went there for dance. They just built an state of the arts nursing building and they give substantial financial aid. Great little school. My daughter loved it so did we. Miss going down there alot. Good Luck

East Carolina

@thumper1 To clarify, the scholarship that I mentioned is an independent scholarship not connected to any school.
I am fortunate enough to not have to stress the financial aspect of it too much. Not bragging about my wealth by any means, but personal circumstances have given me some great opportunities.

@mainlinemom I will look into there, thanks!

Its a great little school. Our daughter had the time of her life. People go to SU for either the professionals like nursing and PT or the conservatory.

What kind of financial aid were you talking about then when you wrote this?

Just be realistic about the costs of a private college…or OOS public.

I’m applying for financial aid. What is not covered with financial aid should be mostly covered by other means.

Marquette and St. Louis University have direct admit. St. Louis U is associated with a very large well known hospital system.