High EFC on FAFSA?

Family is self employed and I believe the amounts they are able to contribute to their retirement plans is higher than a 401k would allow.

@Madison85 could you clarify.


It’s often referred to as a solo 401k. You can achieve higher total contribution amounts for the owner-participant and spouse in a business wirh no employees.

(You’ll have to type in the link)

For a solo 401k:

Total contributions to a participant’s account, not counting catch-up contributions for those age 50 and over, cannot exceed $53,000 for 2015 and 2016.

$53,000 each? So that could be $100,000 for both parents.

The 2016 max with spouse if both are over 50 years old is $118k.

^^ Well, there you go. The parents might be in catch up mode and doing near-max…especially during high income years.