High end LACS, Dartmouth (Updated with AP scores)

<p>Dartmouth, Midd, Colgate, W&L (random because of the south but bear with me) , Bowdoin, Hamilton and other schools of the sort. </p>

<p>Rising senior, female, NJ
-finances not an issue
-competitive public school, sends a fair amount of kids to very selective schools for being so small</p>

<li> 4.32 W</li>
<li> 4.0 UW</li>
<li> Top 5% but my school only states if Top 10% I think
730 Bio (E) – taken at the end of my frosh year
<strong><em>APLAC- 5 AP BIO - 5 (will these strong AP schools help shadow my weaker scores a bit?)</em></strong>**
Taking LIT sat II in Sept. </li>

World Cultures (no Honors)
English 9 (no Honors)
Honors Biology
French 2</p>

Honors Modern Euro History
Honors Chem
Honors Brit Lit
Honors French 3
Algebra 2
US Gov (semester/no Honors)</p>

AP Language and Comp
AP Biology
Honors French 4</p>

AP Lit and Comp
AP Government
AP Stats
AP French 5
Physics (Honors couldn’t fit)</p>

<p>ECs and Other stuff:
National Honor Society
French Honor Society
Youth Ministry @ Church (lead retreats, give speeches)
Big Sister to boy town over (weekly commitment since soph year)
Freshman-Junior year I have tutored 3 girls (2,5,7 grade when I started) who moved to my town from France. 3-4 days a week I’m there. My essay will probably be on my experience with them and how it has shaped me today.
School Newspaper (writer all years, Editor as senior)
Key Club
Lacrosse all years
Lots of Community Service through the community coordinator at my school
Summer camp counselor @ local day camp summers 09 and 10 </p>

I’m my Guidance counselor’s best student, so he has taken particular interest and me and will probably write a good rec. Junior English teacher and Junior History teacher will write good ones I believe.</p>

<p>I also may have the french girls’ mother write one. </p>

<p>Potential benefit: Brother graduate magna cum laude from the D in 2008, Summer camp director that I work for likes me and both she and her husband graduated from 'gate..she could possible write rec?</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>


<p>I ment strong AP scores* not schools ahah</p>

<p>No tests in September. I think you mean October.</p>

<p>Good GPA with slightly below average ACT score (works out to 2160 on the SAT) and leadership (you haven’t stated much). Average SAT II score, ECs and courseload. The way your school reports rank will hurt you somewhat.</p>

<p>These are all for Dartmouth, I do not know about the others.</p>

<p>Definitely get another SAT II score for Darthmouth. Your ACT could be better, but weigh taking it again with a grain of caution. If you haven’t tried your hand at the SAT, you could so (with a bit of a time crunch) in November; some people do better on one than the other, although being in NJ means that the ACT is probably a bit rarer. Other than that, the only issue I see is that your ECs don’t stand out. They lack focus, an as HKToUS said, there isn’t too much meat on the leadership side (don’t worry, you’re not alone there). </p>

<p>One last thing: keep the recommendations to a minimal (two from teachers, one from counselor). Work on the essay, essay, essay, essay. Colleges want to know YOU, not what others think about you. </p>

<p>You need a very strong reason to include any more recommendations, and by very strong, I mean that you feel it reveals a side of you that would be impossible to know otherwise, and this must be exceedingly unique. </p>

<p>Anyways, don’t freak out about the process too much. You’ll get through, and no matter where you go, you’ll do fine.</p>

<p>Didn’t you create this same exact chance thread just three days ago? You also posted one on Dartmouth College’s page three days ago also, if I remember clearly.</p>

<p>I think my ECs really focus on both writing and working with kids- as a prospective English Major I hope to one day teach. Summer camp, tutoring after school almost everyday, & big brother/big sister highlight that. I thought Editor in chief of the school newspaper counted as leadership- and Youth Ministry is all about leading discussions with confirmation candidates and giving speeches (writing and leadership) I have participated in all of these ECs since my freshman year. Where is the lack of focus? Also, yes JoshByron that’s why I said updated… also this thread wasn’t just for D it was also for the LACs I stated.</p>

<p>Updated? How much could have happened in three days?</p>

<p>You’re killing me!! I just added my AP scores to see if anyone thought that would help with my average ACT score</p>

<p>Hahahaha, sorry :slight_smile: Ohh, okay, I see. You got a 5 on both? That’s good. And your ACT score isn’t average! A 32 is great (well, it might be average for Dartmouth). I think you have a good chance at all of the schools you listed, with the exception of Middlebury and Dartmouth (the admissiosn cycle gets much trickier - and both of those schools have low acceptance rates.</p>

<p>good SAT II scores, decent ACT.
Good shot at Dartmouth.</p>