High GPA and Rank, low Scores?

<p>there are so many posts here that reflect this situation. Everyone who is faced with this should read a thread on the parent's board where Michelle Hernandes, Author of A is for Admissions and a former Dartmouth adcom, addresses this scenario. The thread: Who has read A is for Admissions (or something close).</p>

<p>This is true for the past few days, but I am a first time poster (long time reader) and I believe that these situations are the best ones to comment on because this is where the judgement is needed. Not for the kids who are just posting on here with "oh gee, 1500 and all 750 II's, woe is me" to brag about it. Most of these posters, including me, need some mad guidance and the A for Admissions is a good part but do you have a link?</p>

<p>Done ranting... For now.....</p>