High school classes- Help?

<p>Would you guys recommend skipping AB calculus to take BC?
My math tutor told me that it would be a waste of time to spend a whole year trying to learn the "A" part of calculus, when I can jump straight into BC calc.</p>

<p>Also, should I give up orchestra?
My school is a tech school, so we're not supposed to have an orchestra. But our former principal struggled to have a music program- so there we have it. An orchestra.
The problem is, about 80% of the orchestra doesn't really care about the class itself- they just literally sit there, skip classes, and/or sleep, since our teacher is EXTREMELY lax about everything. It's his first time teaching orchestra right out of his uni year. He doesn't really do roll calls either... so people literally walk out of the class.</p>

<p>Not to brag about it or anything, but apparently I'm the "president" of the orchestra/ concertmaster of the orchestra and my teacher isn't letting me go, since I do play at some assemblies- playing national anthem for graduation, even. I feel like I'm the only one who's passionate about orchestra/music... But I just feel like staying in this non-improving orchestra would just waste my time- or should I stay for the sake of the school? (My principal still wants me to play at important events...)</p>

<p>TL;DR- Should I give up orchestra although I'm president/concertmaster, and should I skip AP AB calc for AP BC calc?</p>