High school course requirements for US universities

Hello, I’m looking to apply to US colleges soon, and I’ve heard that they require 4 years of high school math, english, science and history. Is this true for all US colleges, or is this just for certain ones? I’ve tried finding more information about this, but I can’t find any substantial explanations on this anywhere. Thanks in advance

It varies from school to school and sometimes depends on major.

What schools are you considering applying to? And what major(s) are you thinking about?

US colleges and universities do vary on what they require or recommend. As noted above, it can also depend on intended major.

You may find FAQ: High School College Prep Base Curriculum helpful as a general guide.


Good luck!
Perhaps this information from the State Department may help.

See their worksheet on sorting out your priorities


@hb_J, any chance your mom is @ Hifza_Jalil? Same question being asked on her thread.

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What curriculum are you following?
They do require 4 years of English, math, etc, from American students - but they don’t from international students whose national curriculum doesn’t. In other words, if you’re doing a program where the emphasis is on philosophy, history, literature, Latin, and English, but no math or science at all for the last 2 or 3 years, US colleges know this and will not expect you to fish around looking for science classes. (Also, your school will be expected to provide a profile explaining what the national curriculum is, if there is one). If you’re doing A-Levels, they’ll look at your (i)GCSE results in all subjects (with English, Native language&literature, Maths, Science, History, and 3 others expected, with 6 or 7-9 scores) but will know you can only do 3 Alevels and can’t even do a 4th AS anymore.

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@skieurope your thoughts!

My thoughts are that this sounds very similar to another thread:

And the answer, as stated in both threads is “it depends.” As also stated, each college’s common data set will list the requirements.

Without further info for the OP on her current country, targeted colleges, major, budget, it’s not possible to be more specific than “it depends.”

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