High School courses?

<p>I'm applying to TCNJ for their nursing program. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be worried about getting in at all, however I know it's harder to get into a nursing program than most other programs. I'm top 4% in my class and have 600M 670W and 680CR. However, this year I didn't take a science, as I wanted to take another class I was really interested in. Do you think not taking a science this year will hurt my chances of getting in, although I'm solid in every other area for the school? Thanks!</p>

<p>Most nursing programs that D2 applied to wanted to see a rigorous course load, including science in the senior year. Did you take the big three (biology/ chemistry/ physics)? If you have those three courses already, you might be okay, but honestly you would have been better off if you took a science during your senior year.</p>