High School Grading System: 100 Point Scale

<p>I was wondering what other high schools do as far as 100 point scale to letter grade to 4.0 scale conversions. Do any high schools have a harsher grading system than mine?</p>

<p>At my high school:</p>

A =95-97 =3.8
A- =93-94 =3.6
B+=90-92 =3.3
B =87-89 I'm not sure after here what it is on a 4 point scale
B- =85-86
C =80-82
C- =77-79
D =72-74
D- =70-71
F =Below 70</p>

<p>I know that the conversions don't really matter for college, but it certainly looks worse. Oh, and we do weight gradesÂ… one whole point on a 100 point scale for an AP class. As you might imagine, our top 10% is filled with people who barely take any honors or AP classes.</p>

<p>No... Mine gets 4 points for A's, 3 for B's, 2 for C's... No such thing as D's. </p>

<p>Oh well... have fun.</p>

<p>r u kidding me? u say that's hard?</p>

A 94-96
A- 95-96
B+ 92-94</p>

<p>I don't remember it.. but it's like.. anything below 85 is C and D..</p>

<p>We're slightly below... a 4.0 is a 96.</p>

<p>I heard there was one school where an "A" was a 100.</p>

<p>There's a reason why colleges redo GPA - most high school GPA policies suck.</p>

<p>Grading at my school is completely inconsistent. In one class, 96+ is A+. Another, 99.99999999 is still just an A. One class rounds up 89 to A-. Another, 89.999999 is still a B+.</p>