High School Junior with Dwindling Grades

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I am a Junior in High School right now almost finishing my first semester, and I've started looking at colleges.</p>

<p>I must be realistic with myself though. I am a smart guy, at least that's what everyone's been telling me. I'm taking all honors but my grades have been suffering for two years, like really suffering, as in Mostly B's, one C+, barely any A's. The workload is immense, I plan on changing it a bit, maybe drop a class. My time management skills have been a problem too which I've been trying to fix and that's why some of my grades have improved so far.</p>

<p>I'm from Wisconsin, and realistically I'm looking at public universities since my family won't be able to afford many private colleges. U Washington has been of great interest to me.</p>

<p>This is my first chance thread, so bear with me!</p>


<p>Freshman GPA: 3.7 unweighted- 3 Honors classes, two Accelerated (highest level offered but not Honors)
Sophomore GPA: ~3.0 unweighted (B average)- 2 Honors, 1 AP (Euro), 1 accelerated
Junior GPA: Looks like first semester will also be ~3.0 unweighted- 3 AP (History, Chem, Physics), 2 Honors (English/Math), and 1 accelerated
Senior GPA: Taking probably 4 AP's, 1 Honors, maybe another Honors.</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
BBYO- leadership- two terms as vice president of chapter, planning to be president in 6 months.
Co Founder and Co-Vice President of Business Club
Leader of Model UN Delegation for 2 years (will be a third next year)
Swimming two years (didn't do it this year, will probably do it next year)</p>

<p>ACT: 29 (first time, never studied, 3 hours of sleep that night aha) planning to retake
SAT: Projected 1980 (198 on PSAT)</p>

<p>I just want to know if I have chances at U washington with such mediocre grades!</p>


<p>You say that your family can’t afford private school tuition, but remember, you are an out of state applicant for UW. You would be paying roughly $25k per year for tuition alone, room & board is about $10k I think. So around $35k for both per year, which isn’t that much cheaper than a lot of private schools. And for chances, after looking at change threads and acceptance threads on the CC UW forum since 10th grade, it’s safe to say that UW can oftentimes be a crapshoot, meaning a lot of people who others thought had a good chance didn’t get in and people who were underestimated get in. But regardless, I feel that you would have a lower chance of getting in because of your downward trend with grades, but apply anyways and make your essays good. You could get in.</p>

<p>Wow, didn’t even realize the out of state costs. Guess I wasn’t thinking straight that night haha. But thanks for your input.</p>

<p>I’d like to add that if you meet certain requirements after a year, you may be able to be classified as a resident. Your tuition cost would then drop significantly.</p>