[High school] Junior year advice for [pre] premed student

It would help to provide some context, like the courses taken already and courses planned for 12th grade after each of these 11th grade schedules.

Generally, a pre-med will want to have at least high school level biology, chemistry, and physics before taking those subjects in college. More advanced or AP level course work in high school can be helpful, but be careful of the implications of AP (or college/DE) credit for pre-meds.

High school level 3 or higher of high school foreign language is preferred for UCs and probably many other more selective colleges. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language common in the region of medical practice could be useful for physicians if they are able to communicate to patients or their relatives or caregivers who may understand that language better than English.

Obviously, he may want to consider if there are any high school courses helpful for his college major (most college majors can be done by pre-meds; the exceptions would be those with very high volumes of non-overlapping requirements like architecture).

Regarding band, note that UCs require a year of visual or performing arts for frosh admission, so he needs to keep band if he has no other visual or performing arts in his overall high school schedule.

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