<p>I got asked out.
What now?
Fck her?
Take her out to dinner?></p>
<p>Lol. Take her on a date and try not to act like a dog. lol. adn mos def don’t try to do it with her.(Unless she is giving you the go ahead. ) ;p</p>
<p>You should do that thing on tv shows where the boy/girl tries to mess up the date by doing all sorts of outrageous things and then… THE DATE ACTUALLY LIKES THAT SORT OF BEHAVIOR. Then come clean and have all that drama. Then realize that you both really do like each other and be happy. If it happens on tv…</p>
<p>Wow. what a horrible sample of the male gender -_-. U all shouldn’t be allowed to date girls if that is how you think of us… It makes me sad. :(</p>
<p>She asked you to prom…Not on a date. :)</p>
<p>Just talk to her and dont try and go out… Cause if you go out or try to “do the dirty” and it doesnt work out, you could find yourself without a prom date and a very short time to find another.</p>
<p>^ That is a big point.</p>