High school senior applying to NYU CAS [NJ resident, 3.97, 1530, parents require pre-med or pharmacy, and commuting from home]

I would agree to that, but my parents likely won’t. They don’t want me living away from home, even on weekdays.

The main reason is that if I apply to Rutgers, I’ll have to do Pharmacy because that’s what two of my siblings did. One is in med school right now, and the other is still in Pharmacy school (Ernest Mario), so it’d only be natural (to my parents) for me to join them.

I’m hoping it’ll do that, and that my brother-in-law will be able to provide some insight into what being a lawyer entails, so they could hear it from a trusted source. Still, law is a graduate profession, so it’s still a long way away. My main reason for doing so is so my parents will let me do a Humanities undergrad major.

You can major in sciences and still apply to law school. You don’t have to major on humanities subjects.

Yes, but I don’t WANT to do that. It’s just part of my argument that Humanities majors can be just as useful as STEM ones.


Apply to rutgers for both. Start with both humanities and sciences, then tell parents you hate the sciences and plan to be a lawyer.

Goal here is a college education, not a fight with your parents. Disengage, and submit that rutgers app.


The pharmacy school is a different application from the other schools. You can apply to up to 3. So dont apply to the pharmacy one. As @parentologist suggests, just disengage and submit the Rutgers app to the other schools .

If youre interested in writing and communication, would you be interested in a marketing major in RBS?

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This thread got long fast so I haven’t read everything but would a service academy be an option for OP?

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Only if they are committed to serving our country in the armed forces. The family has made it clear that the kid needs to live at home, so I’m not sure how a service academy would even be a glimmer because that is just not allowed.

I thought that maybe they would view the military as conservative enough. OP would also not depend on them for tuition costs and would have a paying job from the start.

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Probably not. I haven’t looked into that, and I can’t imagine my parents allowing me to enter one or even apply.

I will. Trust me, I don’t want to make it a fight.

Can you elaborate?

I would apply for that if I could, but my parents want pharmacy for Rutgers. I’ll look at the options.

If you look at the Rutgers admissions website, they will give you details on how many schools you can apply to. For example, a person can apply to business school, engrg school , and school of arts and sciences, all in Rutgers - NB. That’s why I said the pharmacy one would be a different school. It’s not one giant application for any major.
See their website: Undergraduate Academics | Rutgers University
The pharmacy school is highly competitive, so I suspect it may close out after the Early Action deadline (oh no!!), but you never know.
BTW, the B-school is also competitive, but you’re a strong candidate. My suggestion would be to apply to Arts and Sciences and B-School, Early Action. Send in your app quietly from school if you can. The B-school has prestigious NYC companies recruiting there, so that should be impressive to your parents. And you may want to tell them that pharmacy is not the hot major it used to be, as others have already mentioned.


Thank you. I will.

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@jaylab Since your sibling in the pharmacy school is not yet working, your parents may not realize that pharmacists have poor working conditions compared to others with a comparable level of education. In fact many of them are going on strike for that reason.


Yes! Pharmacy is not a good field to go into right now. Too many pharmacists, wages dropping, overworked.


Thank you for everyone’s input and advice. I have finalized my college list and am in the process of applying as of now. Here is the full list:

  1. New York University
  2. Princeton University
  3. Columbia University
  4. Barnard College
  5. University of Pennsylvania
  6. Rutgers University
  7. The College of New Jersey
  8. Monmouth University
  9. Montclair State University
  10. Seton Hall University
  11. Kean University
  12. New Jersey Institute of Technology
  13. Drew University
  14. Pace University
  15. Brookdale Community College
    I haven’t yet finalized with my parents which majors I will be applying to for each college. Is FDU worth applying to as well?
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I would say that commuting to penn would be very difficult, even impossible, were you admitted there. If your parents absolutely will not let you live away from home, i think you should trim your list. Take a look on google maps at commuting times to the farther away schools. Yes, i think you should add fairleigh dickinson.

I checked the distance for every college. UPENN is the farthest college via train, but it wouldn’t be impossible to commute there, just more difficult (around 2 hours). All the other colleges are also within that range.
With the exceptions of Brookdale, Rutgers, NJIT, TCNJ and Monmouth, all the colleges I listed are ones I would like to attend if accepted. I added those five for my parents. I cut Cornell University, Penn State, Boston University, Northeastern University, Syracuse University, and Brown University from my list due to the great distance.
Commute will no doubt be difficult no matter which college I attend, unless it is in my county. For example, if I have a 9:00 AM class, I would need to take a 6:55 train. I am ready for that reality, and only hope to attend a college where the commute will be worth it.