High school senior applying to NYU CAS [NJ resident, 3.97, 1530, parents require pre-med or pharmacy, and commuting from home]

My older sisters take out loans or pay with their own money. My older brother, I honestly don’t know how they are paying for him. And my younger siblings cost 5-10k a year, each.
Therefore I don’t think I will get much in the way of money, but I’m in the middle class bracket so I probably won’t get a lot of financial aid either. Right now I’m hoping to get a full ride scholarship, and get a part time job to pay for commuting. I know Rutgers and Kean both offer full ride, but I’m not sure about the other colleges I’m applying to.

Alright, I will. Thank you.

I’m aware of all that. It’s not like I want to spend 4 hours a day on the train. If it’s not 4 hours, it’s 2 hours like my siblings.

I’m not really expecting to get into UPENN. I’d rather go to NYU anyway.

It’s definitely 140k a year. We’re good at saving, that’s all.

Just be absolutely sure to also make that sure-thing, cheapest local option - the community college to Rutgers route. As long as your parents are willing to file a FAFSA for you, you can borrow enough money each year to pay for community college, and much of Rutgers, without getting into too much debt. You can probably shave off a year of community college with APs and CLEP exams. https://modernstates.org/ You can have the battle with your parents about your major later on. Realize that with every year, you will have more power in that relationship.

A part time job is a great idea - why not get one now, and start saving your own money?

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I would not count on a full ride at Rutgers, they are not generous, if you manage to make it into the honors college you will get something.


I’m applying, but I don’t have much experience with these things, so it’s proving a little difficult.
I’ll apply to my community college, but I’d still much rather go to a university. I could get a little independence there, at least.

Yeah I don’t think they’d give me one, especially if I apply for the pharmacy program which is notoriously competitive.

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