High school society.

<p>So I know there are different cliques in all high schools..the baseball crew, the jocks, the emos, the skaters, the nerds, the speech and debaters, the band guys, the thugs, but how bout the special, unique people who stand out? Who don't belong in any single clique or have any kind of preferences? Who hang out with everyone? Those people also tend to ruin any conversation people of a certain clique are having..and they are usually left out..do you guys have these kids in your school? And do you think it is right to treat them that way? After high school, what will happen to them?</p>

<p>That would be me.</p>

<p>That’s me as well.</p>

<p>yes that includes me too. i don’t have a particular group usually but i disagree with the “getting left out” situation…in fact, if you tend to be the type who gets along with everyone, you can easily get into the conversation…well at least in my school its easy</p>

<p>^ I tend to be outcasted by a lot by some groups and really included in others.</p>

<p>Yea, me too, I usually can jump into most conversations without being intrusive or act like I’m all-knowing, just casual like.</p>

<p>That would be me. However, I do not ruin conversations. I think they will be successful after high school. They diversify their contacts.</p>

<p>I play sports, play in the band, take AP classes, etc.</p>

<p>Nice, haha funny how most of you are like that…I am not…I hang out with nerds/want-to-go-to-good-college guys mostly…</p>

<p>Same here. I don’t play any major school sports, I don’t think the worlds out for me, and I’m not interested in the mass-energy equivalence. I prefer not to have a single word define who I am.</p>

<p>Isn’t everybody “unique?” It’s funny that everyone thinks they’re seperated from elementary high school cliques.</p>

<p>One of the very few advantages of attending a private all-boys school is that we basically don’t have any defining cliches. </p>

<p>Most of us do well in school, athletics is a big part of our history, and we’ve got two sister (all-girls) -schools and another high school less than a mile down the road. We ended up with an all-encompassing clique of highly intelligent athletes with amazing social lives.</p>

<p>So that “unique” kid that ruins conversations also happens to be one of the fastest swimmers on our varsity team. The valedictorian throws amazing parties. And most of the top 10% play sports.</p>

<p>I became kind of a total introvert last year and I’m still socially recovering, but I think that in 9th grade I was. I was still in Honors then and when you were in there you were basically in the “Honors group” which had it’s own sub groups and people talked about each other, but it was different in that we didn’t hang out with the regulars in general. My closer friends would try to bad mouth the preps a bit, but I never stood for that. They’d say “Oh this girl is such a **** with her short skirts and grinding with everyone…” And I’d mention that she volunteers more than any of them or something. I still defend people, I’m just not as tight with everyone.</p>

<p>I’m different just like everyone else!</p>

<p>I want to hug you all.</p>

<p>^ why ? 10char</p>

<p>I just mean the people who feel left out. :3</p>

<p>Oh ok, well I don’t feel left out because, even though I hang out with lots of people, I’m actually kinda close to all of them through the activities that I do, team bonding and all that…but I still want a hug :p</p>