High School Sports

<p>Okay, straying away from the normal CC posts, what sports do you play at your high school? Are you planning to play in college?</p>

<p>I personally play varsity tennis (#2 singles, our school is #6 in state), but am not planning to play in college.</p>

<p>I’m a varsity swimmer, but I have no intention of swimming in college- unless I end up at a school where there are a lot of “walk-ons”.</p>

<p>Varsity swimming at school, have been since last year (freshman year) and I swim 11 months of the year for a club team. I’m ranked about 30th in the state for 100 fly ~32nd for 200 IM and ~6th for a relay. Sadly, these ranks aren’t too good since I’m from Delaware. If I got to an Ivy or DIII then I will definitely continue in college because it is really good for me and I truly enjoy swimming.</p>

<p>I attend football games (which is rare at my school). I also go to the odd basketball game to see the team get whipped by perennial top 25 teams (nationally). One time, two teams in my school’s league were ranked #1 and #2 in the country. = 4 automatic losses</p>

<p>i do varsity cheerleading or varsity competition cheerleading but i’m really trying to play tennis and would like to play for college.</p>

<p>I hate to be a bitch, but cheerleading’s not a sport.</p>

<p>Cheerleading is a sport because of the intensity of it. i’m not talking just sidelines football cheering- that’s not as intense but still a sport. I’m talking intense competition tumbling, jumps, and constantly stretching plus weightlighting. Good cheerleaders are some of the most buff people you can ever meet. Its just as much if not more work than any other sport. But, horrible cheerleading squads won’t be a good example of this.</p>

<p>JV Swimmer. And no, I am most definitely NOT planning on swimming in college, nor would I be even close to being /capable/ of it.</p>

<p>Varsity cross country and track</p>

<p>I’ve seen some pretty buff cheerleaders, and from Bush’s recent shoe evasion I can see that many cheerleaders are pretty agile too. I’m sure it’s difficult if you’re good. But just like dancing, it’s not a sport.</p>

<p>:[ My entire district is planning on cutting sports.</p>

<p>cheerleading, dance, figure skating, and gymnastics are all sports, intense ones at that. you must be joking if you dont think they are.</p>

<p>No real JV, Varsity levels for our swim team, but I’m ranked pretty high on it, since there are only like 6 guys on it. I definitely don’t plan on continuing it in college. It seems a lot of people on here do swimming, haha. Almost like the brainy sport.</p>

<p>I play Varsity Football and Varsity Tennis, but would I ever play either in College? Hell no. I just want to get my degree and get out of there!</p>

<p>Varsity Indoor/Outdoor Track.</p>

<p>what exactly qualifies cheerleading to NOT to be a sport?? Its a lil harder than dancing though. Stunts are a killer.</p>

<p>varsity basketball</p>

<p>Varsity XC/Track</p>

<p>I’m reluctant to classify cheerleading a sport (the competitive type I suppose, but the crap you see at HS football games isn’t). However, I definitely don’t consider dance/ballet/etc. sports. Those are part of the arts.</p>

<p>sports can be artful? i feel like if something is focused on athletic ability, its a sport</p>

<p>varsity tennis all four years in a top 30 5A (over 2000 kids) high school in texas (there are 300 5A high schools), number 1 singles and doubles…we are the only state (i think) that plays boys and girls together so we play 19 matches, 6 boys singles, 6 girls singles, 3 g dubs, 3 boys dubs, 1 mixed. Our matches can take a freakin long time, some have lasted over 6 hours, and we play both seasons. Some schools are ridiculously good though…I am planning to play in college for sure club or maybe try to walk on the team…idk</p>