High School Student - Community College Credits


<p>I am a high school student who plans to apply to a few UCs this coming september/october. I have taken a few CC courses(5 or 6 transferrable and 1 nontransferrable). How do I send these grades to the UCs? Do they even help when it comes down to getting in? Also, does it help when applying to private schools(where I have to send a CC transcript separate)? </p>

<p>You don’t send these grades to the UC’s yet. List them in the application, but you don’t need to send any transcripts in until you’re accepted. </p>

<p>Great! If I were to get very close to finishing an associate’s degree(In terms of GE’s), how many semesters or years of school could I graduate earlier? </p>

<p>If I took a challenging major, would taking GEs at a CC mean that I could have a lighter courseload at a UC, allowing me to pursue more interests and startups(3 or 4 classes a semester instead of 4 or 5)?</p>

<p>It depends on too many factors to give you a realistic answer. Each UC accepts different courses, and what you major in makes a difference as well. My daughter attends a DE early college high school, and previous graduates have mentioned that UCSD accepted fewer units than many other UC’s. There is actually a website that lists what courses each UC accepts – I can’t remember the name of it, but you can try a google search. You put in your CC, and select which school you want to transfer to. </p>

<p>Every course that you take that is UC transferrable, and applies to a major or ge requirement is going to help you graduate sooner, but how much sooner depends on the factors I mentioned above</p>

<p>The website is assist.org which will show the classes that transfer.</p>