High School Student Looking to Get in UW-Madison

Hello, I am new here and I’m a sophomore in Highschool. I am looking to get into UW and had a very poor performance freshmen year and not much better sophomore year. I am wondering what I need to do to improve my chances of getting in UW, any feedback is greatly appreciated. I am in state by the way.
Freshmen Year
-3.14 GPA unweighted
-2 Honors
-A few clubs

Sophomore Year
-3.36 GPA unweighted (First Semester)
-2 Honors
-15-20ish Volunteer Hours
-A few more clubs

I realize my stats are extremely poor and my future doesn’t look too bright but I am wondering what I should improve on, work towards and anything else that might help me. Thank you for any feedback.

GPA, AP classes, ACT score - that’s what you need to work on.

Improving grades mean a lot. Study hard this semester. You will have a better gpa and be better prepared for future classes. UW understands that some students will mature in HS- sounds like you have. Your junior year will be the last year admissions will see- make it your best yet. Also, good work this spring means 5 of 8 semesters, more than half of your HS career, can be stellar. Make school work your top priority. That not only improves your gpa but prepares you for the rigors of college work.

Thank you two very much. I appreciate the feedback and will improve my study habits and GPA.