High School World Language Requirements?

<p>What does Wisconsin look at for languages in High School?</p>

<p>Just some background, I'm a junior in High School, I have been taking Spanish since 6th grade. I have 1 Spanish credit from middle school, I have one honors credit from freshman year. Then I switched to non-honors spanish last year. So basically, after this year I will have 4 spanish credits on my transcript (3 from HS, 1 honors). I am not a strong Spanish student, grades in the low B range (maybe even a C this year). Don't like Spanish either. I am planning on likely going into the business program.</p>

<p>So my ultimate question is should I take Spanish as a senior, and how either decision will affect my application.</p>

<p>Also, if anyone knows this info for Michigan, Maryland, Ohio State, or Penn State that would be awesome.</p>

<p>For UW most accepted students will have had 4 years worth of one foreign language (see the freshman HS courses on the admissions site). This will also meet any L&S BA or BS language requirements for UW graduation- only those with a language major might require more in any school/college at UW. No reason to take a 5th year unless you really want to. Like many others who have 4 years’ worth of a foreign language, use that class period senior year for something else you would enjoy more. Consider a course you wouldn’t otherwise be able to take.</p>

<p>My son was accepted for this fall with just 2 years of Spanish. 3.65 GPA and 32 ACT, in state.</p>

<p>Two years are all that is required but college requirements can be taken care of with HS courses and most will have more (most, not ALL). Not useful to take more than 4 years of a HS language unless one plans to major in that language, but useful to finish off 4 instead of 3 to not have to take any in college for a BA.</p>