<p>Me and My friend both go to the same high school now and have both been accepted and are planning to room together . What are our chances to get San jacinto? She paid her housing fee like the first day it was available to and I did towards the end of
2009. Our housing choices match exactly, what are the chances we will get San jac?</p>
<p>If you want to room together, it will be pretty slim. Your friend will preferable get into San Jac over you.</p>
<p>Unless the policy changed recently, roommates are assigned housing based on the date that the first person applied for housing. So, if your roomie signed up the first day, your chances are good. :-)</p>
<p>I believe that you should have clicked a box when you selected your housing preferences for whether your priority was to be with your roommate or in your higher choice dorm. For that reason I would assume that you would be paired according to the latest housing application.</p>
<p>thank you zlc!
hopefully we get it…</p>