HIIII - help with why reed essay sil- vous plait??

<p>i need help with ideas - what did you write about for your why reed essay? (just curious)</p>

<p>You should really know why you would want to go to a place like Reed, it is a very unique school.</p>

<p>i do i just cannot put it into words. i want to go there for the academics obviously but also their approach to learning and i know there arent any other colleges like reed which is why im so set on it, but i dont want to just say that. i want to say more… i just dont know how</p>



<p>You’re right easy13: you should want to say more than that. </p>

<p>Try reflecting upon your own learning experience, and how aspects of study at Reed fit into what makes you motivated to learn. Of course you can look at the Reed guidebook or the website and say ‘I would like this’, but do you really know why you would? What about your interests, your mindset, personality, etc. makes it so appealing to you? This essay is really about you, so center it around you. Tell the readers clearly through the framework of the prompt what makes you tick as a student, because that’s really what they want to read. </p>

<p>Also, the prompt doesn’t ask about academics only, they want to know what social compatibility exists as well. I know I’m going to be talking about the science theme house…what about you?</p>

<p>If you’ve visited campus (which I suggest you try and do before applying) take those experiences and write how they affected or strengthened your view of the college. My strategy with the essay was to make sure it was entirely specific to me. If someone can read your essay and 1. put someone else’s name in for yours or 2. match it up with a page of the viewbook you’re not achieving what the prompt was asking for.</p>

<p>There are many aspects of Reed worth commenting on. Academics are strong, but the quirky foundation and general way about things can consume an entire paper. Discuss what’s important to you and how you think Reed will help, and how you think you can add to the culture at Reed.</p>