<p>hey guys, i've gotten quite a few emails from a couple of my schools (the ones i've applied to) telling me about ECs I had taken in high school and how i could continue my extra curriculars in the college if i do choose to go there. Is this hinting that I've been accepted. College admissions is a very anxious time as I have practically no safeties and I'll take any positive sign i can get to keep my morale up :/. The college is Lafayette btw and being new to the American system i don't have much knowledege about how these things work. Any advice would be good :). Thank you.</p>
<p>I think it means they’re interested in you but unsure about your EC’s so they need some back-up info about them. But I think that you’re on a good way and you should not worry. If they didn’t want you in, they wouldn’t bother sending you e-mails. Best of luck!</p>
<p>Those emails are unrelated to acceptance. Kids get those even before decisions are made based on expressions of interest and past history. I’m sure you’re going to get great, happy news, but you need to be patient. Good luck!!!</p>