<p>So, I am pretty set on majoring in Computer Egineering, but my choice of school is still unsettled. I guess what I'm looking for is a "hip" school. I'm trying my best to avoid the popped collar rich-kid schools. Not to say those people aren't interesting, I just wouldn't feel right at that type of school. What I really want is a more creative school, ie students interested in literature, philosophy, art, politics, with a general creative and hip vibe. This may sound somewhat immature, but I just want to feel right at school. I have found plenty of these types of schools (Bard, Vassar, Reed) but few have Engineering. </p>
<p>So, what schools fit this profile, that have Engineering? </p>
<p>SUNY New Paltz is a possibility, too...Anyone opinions on it?</p>
<p>If only I lived out there :[ I'm in the Northeast, so generally, I don't want to have to fly home. Livin' in upstate NY. Yeah, those are all amazing schools, I would kill to go to any of them.....location, though...and my stats are low:</p>
<p>GPA: 92.9 Unweighted 95.6 Weighted
SAT: 570CR/690M/640W
Top 15% of Student Body
E/C’s: Solid List, lot’s of community service, Honor’s Society, etc.</p>
<p>If you don't mind that it's located in downtown Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon sounds like exactly what you're looking for and they have outstanding engineering programs.</p>
<p>Yeah, CMU is great..my cousin went there. Umm...I've looked deeper into it, and both CMU and Berkeley are actually possible for me...I guess I could take flying home for a great education...only problem is the SAT subject tests...is it too late?</p>
<p>Yeah, a 5-6 hour flight to the west coast isn't fun or cheap. </p>
<p>What about Penn State? It's a huge school and you'd be able to find what you're looking for. It has a strong engineering department, with a good social life.</p>
<p>Berkeley's apps are due very soon. I think you might have till December to take SAT IIs. But, Berkeley is nearly impossible for OOS. I'd try USC for a west coast school. USC gives better financial aid (merit and need), and is easier for OOS students to get admitted.</p>
<p>PSU is big. College is what you make of it. I don't think it's an intellectual environment, but it definitely has the social aspects you want. Maybe ask some PSU students on their forum for opinions. See if you can make a visit to the campus.</p>
<p>Hehe, I know. That's why I'm having so much trouble....I guess I'm an "intellectual" and a "computer nerd" all in one....makes this whole thing so much more difficult.</p>
<p>There are plenty of people/subcultures like what you want at MIT, you just have to find them. They aren't even hard to find. Honestly, you can probably find such people anywhere with a large concentration of geeks. Drop the stereotype that engineers aren't intellectuals in a wider sense; it's not true in my experience and won't help you. :)</p>
<p>Also take a look at Olin College of Engineering. Aside from their three-pronged emphasis (engineering, business, liberal arts) that might appeal to you, tuition is free.</p>
<p>Of this list, which would you think to come closest to what I describe? I guess I really want a mix of nerd/intellectual/able to function socially/creative and outgoing. </p>
<p>University of Rochester
Boston University
Northeastern University
Villanova University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rochester Institute of Technology
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY New Paltz
Lafayette College
Bucknell College</p>
<p>Nevertheless, I will say that of all the engineering schools we looked at (which were numerous) we thought the theater and music offerings and participation were best at Worcester Polytech. Does that mean "hip" I have no idea...</p>
<p>I gotta tell you though, and slam me if you want everybody, but the pure engineering schools are pretty geeky. Preppy??? Oh no, not by a long shot.</p>
<p>Preppy - Bucknell and Villanova, yeah I think so. RIT? NO! RPI - fairly intense students. Northeastern - fairly career focused students (not especially preppy looking).</p>
<p>Your larger all-purpose univerisities will have all sorts of kids. But, LOL, my guess is that the engineering students will still be, uh, a tad nerdy.</p>
<p>WPI and RPI are 70 to 80% male and, having recently visited, not preppy at all. BU and NU are both big enough to offer you other interests plus Boston. Bucknell and Lafayette are the preppiest schools on your list but give you more of the traditional college campus. Villanova seemed like a good mix of kids more than rich, preppy kids. I don't know anything about the SUNY schools. Tufts offers engineering in a LAC environment. My son was interested in Tufts as our tour guide was in a comedy team, something he is interested in. CMU is the school that everyone cites as having arts and engineering - my son is also looking at CMU but hesitating because of the plane ride. Olin has very few students and is extremely selective due to their free tuition and size. You appear to be within dirving (no plane) distance of Cornell, tough to get into but offers a lot. Also, Syracuse keeps sending my son information about their engineering school. Having been through this before with an Econ major, I have to say that finding a well regarded engineering school for someone with other interests and a desire for a diverse student body and a campus is tough - at least in this region of the country.</p>