Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

And so the wait begins… :slight_smile:

Anyone applying or know of the Youth Leadership Institute? Is it worth paying for the flight?

Was there no document bank this time around? Am I going crazy?

It says that the award winners will get notified this month. Does it say that every year? I’ve looked at past forums and it seems people find out end of June.

@Fairlybubbles My kid was notified in June 2015 but didn’t get the money until October. He contacted them every couple of weeks until the funds came through. It was $2500.

@Fairlybubbles I was told in late May 2016. Now you help me with my question, was there no document bank? I kinda rushed through it this year so I forgot…

^All the documents were to be uploaded within the app itself, I think.

@AimingTop50 hi I’m applying for the youth leadership too!! Do you know when acceptance letters are usually received?

@Coolgurrl11 I actually have no idea because I decided not to apply.

On another forum, someone said hsf has started sending out emails. I have not gotten anything yet

I’m curious, where did you hear that? I’m also waiting to hear back! I was wondering if anyone here has gotten any emails along the process at all or not? I haven’t actually gotten any emails so I have to just periodically check on the website.

Haven’t heard back either…Recipient notifications come during early June, based on previous years.

apparently they are supposed to be sending emails or giving out phone calls today for the youth leadership institute!

My daughter got her YLI acceptance email on May 31, at 7:13 p.m. I’m assuming this means she was waitlisted and finally someone canceled and then she got the email? In any case, yes, the YLI acceptance emails are already coming out.

Actually, the first round of acceptances came out Wednesday night and the rest of the acceptances, rejections, and waitlist emails came out a couple of hours ago.

For scholarship, my DD has not heard anything yet from HSF. My DD is a past recipent for the last 3 years and HSF usually does not meet the stated notification deadline. If anyone gets notified about their scholarship status, it would be great if they could share that information here.

I’m a past scholarship recipient as well. I have not yet received notification of an award for this year.

I did not get a scholarship last year, however last year I got my email notification in late June, I believe it was the last week. I think it usually takes a while :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been a recipient for the past couple of years, and they usually send them out around June 9-10.

I called the HSF headquarters today. They said no emails have been sent regarding decisions for scholarships. Notifications will be sent out no later than the end of July.