Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

I was selected to be a recipient, but my login is having issues as well, so I don’t know whats happening.

Nvm, just got it fixed.

Talked to someone from HSF, so the way it works is all the waitlisted scholars are unable to create a login with Wells Fargo until we get an email confirming that there is scholarship money available for waitlisted scholars with HSF. I guess that explains why the Wells Fargo login isn’t working, they said to hold off until I get an official email from HSF/Wells Fargo to see if I got the scholarship.

awesome @garcdanny26 @clopezt

After the whole setup, now my HSF account says I need to wait for a letter from my donor with the scholarship amount so I can send a thank you letter or video to them before I accept the scholarship. Anyone get their letter yet?

@lovescience18 same here i’m just waiting for the letter, hopefully within a few days we’ll receive it.

Under the contact information section, it says “please communicate with your school or scholarship fund to update your mailing address, email address and phone number.” Did I miss a step?

@lovescience18 also waiting on that information so I can complete the letter page on my HSF account. It’s strange that my HSF account says I have 11 days remaining to fill out my letter even though I haven’t found out my donor information or the scholarship amount. Hopefully that means we will be receiving that information very soon!

I wanted to update my DD’s situation in order to give everyone more information. On Dec. 1 my DD received an email from HSF telling her to write a thank you letter and in the body of the email it said for her to address it to XX company which sponsored her scholarship in the amount of $$. (I am not posting the exact name of the company or scholarship amount here to protect her privacy but the email had the company name and amount awarded). Therefore, be on the lookout for a company name and amount in an email. When she logged on to her HSF account, the first page told her to do certain things to “accept” her scholarship. My DD had to indicate whether she was doing a video or a letter and then she had to download it. After she submitted it, then a new page popped up which was her pledge which she clicked “yes” and then it showed that she had completed all the requirements of her scholarship.

On a side note, my DD’s scholarship amount was very small. As a parent who was on the sideline observing all the hassles and work it takes to apply for an HSF scholarship, the amount given is very small in comparison. Nonetheless, we are very appreciative of HSF and the scholarship, just do not expect it to be a lot of money this year.

Update: I just received my email. I am so grateful I am in tears. I got an amazing sponsor with a very high award that completely pays off the rest of my school year. I really hope everyone else on here receives good aid. I can’t wait to make my Thank You video. The long process and wait was longer than any other scholarship but it was well worth it! Any updates from anyone else?

Got the full amount! Same as last year

i got the email today too finally!

@amm13d @BullLife1113 yay congrats guys!

I hope they deposit the funds quickly so I no longer have a balance due with my school! I have to register for classes on Monday and I won’t be able to if I have a balance greater than $1000 :-S

Just so I am clear, and if it is not too much to ask, by full amount you mean $5k @lovescience18 @amm13d ?
Any other people who might want to say any amount? I am currently incurring some debt, and am currently waitlisted for the scholarship, so I suppose knowing a point of reference would put me at ease. Thank you all for all
the info.

@ChalatecoSV Hi, information about the scholarship amount can be found here: https://www.hsf.net/scholarship

Selection for the scholarship is only based on merit, whereas the amount awarded after selection is based on financial need.

Although it now says on the HSF website that the amount awarded is based on need, I don’t think that has necessarily been the case with STEM majors (which is a focus of the HSF scholarships for at least the last 4 years). My DD has received anywhere from $500 to $2500 over the last four years, all with the same EFC and need for each year. Last year my DD got a special scholarship from HSF which included a trip to the sponsor organization paid for by the sponsor organization for the 12 winners (all from the same year in college). During the course of the trip, we learned that every student on the trip the previous year had received the same small scholarship amount and trust me the financial need varied a lot among the students. I think HSF tries their best but the amount awarded I think matters more on who sponsors the particular scholarship and how it matches up to what the kind of student the sponsor wants to get the award.

Congrats to those students who have received larger awards this years, having been a past winner myself many years ago, I know how much it helps.

I find it weird how I never got any emails when my status updated. I got a text once, but that was it for communication from HSF. Any waitlisted scholars been updated yet? Still waiting for an email to see if I will be awarded.

If we are wait-listed and we do not get a scholarship (money) this year. Do we have to apply next year again or are we gonna be considered until we get a scholarship?

@itsv I think that the amount is based on need relative to the other candidates for that cycle. I too have received varying amounts, while my EFC has not changed. If say, one year, there are a lot of scholars with near zero EFC’s, your amount should go down, since they have a limited amount of $ and likely prioritize those w/higher need.