Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

@kariitzel90058 You’d have to reapply for the next cycle.

I am still waiting also. It will all be luck really.

has anyone receive the deposit in their bank account yet?

I just received my direct deposit notice via email from wells fargo, fyi

Got the email as well


I got the email letting my know I’ve been taken off the waitlist and awarded a scholarship at 2am! Does anyone know how much people usually receive?

I got the email earlier in the morning today too! Congrats to all who got it. Does anyone know if we have to do the application process again for the next school year if we got the award or is it a recurring thing?

I got waitlisted last school and never got off it. I replied again, got waitlisted again and finally got it. You have to apply every cycle

I got an email saying “Congratulations on becoming a HSF Scholarship Award recipient” and asking me to sign up for direct deposit. This sounds like there was supposed to be a previous email saying I got off the wait list, but I didn’t receive that…so now I’m confused on whether I was actually selected or not. I have had some trouble receiving HSF emails in the past, though.

@garcdanny26- Congrats on the scholarship! Quick question, I saw you post earlier that you never get emails from HSF- I stopped getting their email updates as well. Did you contact them before receiving your email that you were off the wait list?

Congrats on the scholarship! Quick question, I saw you post earlier that you never get emails from HSF- I stopped getting their email updates as well. Did you contact them before receiving your email that you were off the wait list?

@vanessa1996 Thank you! :slight_smile: So, I never really contacted them, this was the only email I got from them this year. So they sent it without me contacting them.

Does anyone know if there is still a possibility to be awarded money if you were placed on the waitlist?

Update: Received the email informing me I’ve been selected from the wailing :slight_smile:

^^ *waitlist. Autocorrect problems. Congrats to everyone else selected :slight_smile:

@love-vball123 They might still be sending out emails. You can give them a call and ask.

I got the email from Wells Fargo that notified me I will be awarded a scholarship. I signed up for direct deposit. Yet I haven’t gotten the award letter email. Has anybody who got taken off the waitlist been given their award letter?

I’m happy to hear that at least someone got an answer from Wells Fargo I’m still waiting and waiting and checking my email and nothing I guess I have to wait a little more… Has anyone else applied before? is it normal that it takes so long the process? This is the first time I am applying for a scholarship so I feel a little anxious.

I got the email from Wells Fargo about setting up the direct deposit on Saturday at 2am. Then received my award letter on Monday night. You should contact hsf or see if your hsf profile has any updates. I’m just waiting for the disbursement

How can i contact HSF? I’m supposed to be receiving money. I tried to set up the link from your profile to connect to wells fargo direct deposit. Once i would log into my wells fargo account. The screen that required me to put in my school email and ID said they were inaccurate. When trying to call the wells fargo number that was on the screen, they told me my HSF ID number I was given was incorrect.