Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

@Marciemc are you using the email that used for your HSF account and the HSF is that appears on your profile?

@Marciemc this is the best I could find
but I already tried calling to see if they are still giving awards to the waitlisted like me, but no answer, they might
all be off for the holidays I think.
Anyone else here waiting? I am beginning to lose hope.

So I called them earlier and they told me they are still reviewing applications to see if one gets taken
off of the waitlist. They said up until the end of the year, there is still a chance.

Basically I’m in the same boat as you. I applied for the HSF scholarship, got listed as a HSF Scholar, then got selected to be on the wait list, was notified to verify enrollment and to fulfill pledge and that WellsFargo link would be sent in a “couple” of days.

To date I have yet to receive a link or an email stating I got an award. I contacted them like three times since completing the enrollment verification and pledge, and the most recent response (a couple of days ago) entailed that they are still looking through applications and that if there is a chance, it will be up until this current year. They added that either way whether I was awarded an award or not, I would be notified.

I just want to be the first in my immigrant family to go to the university, and become an engineer so that way my parents can have a retirement as they really deserve it. Many people on this site can relate with me as I bet you many are first generation Americans as I am. Annnnddd my rant ends here! LOL

Been following this forum for a while now and its interesting to see how quick others are awarded versus individuals like me and you!

yes, nothing seems to work for it.

You guys are not alone. This is my first year applying and was placed on the waiting list. I haven’t received any emails in regards scholarship update.

Yeah same here, my very first year applying too. What sucks to is that HSF is always slow or delayed which makes the wait times all much more worse lololol

First time applying here as well. Yeah, the waiting is what kills. Though who knows, when I called they said they are
reviewing up until the end of the year, but let’s be real, it’s the holidays and they obviously will be taking at least a week off, so that leaves today and this weekend left for us to get anything. And the struggle continues.

Guys guys don’t get discouraged. This is my second time applying. First time I didn’t get anything, but found other scholarships for Latinos which are focused on engineering.

@Lilliana330 have you received any updates about your disbursement? I guess I need to wait a couple of days more and be a little more patient.

@Danilo100 No, not yet

Just got the e-mail saying I have been taken off the waitlist and offered an award. Good luck to all of you who haven’t heard anything yet. Don’t lose hope my fellow brothers and sisters.
@Danilo100 what other scholarships are those you mention? This is the first year I apply for any scholarship of this type, and I will be re-applying for HSF and applying for first time to HENAAC next year, but those are all I know about. I am trying to finish my university(Aerospace Engineering) and raise a family, two kids and a wife, she stays at home so it is quite the effort needed.Anyways, it is a beautiful journey, but a difficult one, and things such as scholarships are a drink of water in a desert.

@ChalatecoSV SHPE(society of hispanic professional engineers) has many scholarships if you’re a citizen, which I am not. There’s also LULAC, they try to help a lot of latinos in any major. Microsoft has a scholarship too for STEM majors. The PepsiCo CesarChavez fund for students at higher institutions in Arizona or California. if you can write a good essay this one would be good. https://immigrationlawyerslosangeles.com/los-angeles-immigration-lawyers-scholarship-2017/
or this one https://www.masergy.com/about-us/masergy-stem-scholarship-program-2017/
HACU https://www.hacu.net/hacu/Conference_Student_Scholarship1.asp

How long did it take for your guys to receive the money in the account?

I’m in the same boat. There were a few of us who received an email last Saturday at 2am for direct deposit. Then Monday I received email with amount and to submit thank you letter and acceptance form. Submitted both right away and still have not heard about deposit into account. I was hoping to receive deposit soon because I have a tuition deadline coming up. Does anyone know how long it takes to receive scholarship money in Wells Fargo account once the thank you letter is submitted? It’s been a week already but I’m thinking if this usually takes months then Ill have to figure something else out for now.

I am still waitlisted…Is HSF done notifying the people who were waitlisted? Sigh.

I tried to call them today. But no answer.

Didn’t get the email about a thank you letter, only the one email to update my disbursement profile. I’m guessing the deposit will come through when spring semester starts up in early January? They’re probably on holiday break right now, I assume.

@garcdanny26 You should call to see if they have you on the correct mailling list because I remember you stating that you’ve never received emails until you received the one this last Saturday about getting the scholarship. My brother also applied and he has received zero emails all semester. The only way he has been able to keep up with enrollment verification process, etc., is because I have told him every time Ive received mine so he logs in and goes through the process based on my instructions. So you may even be able to submit thank you letter by now, try logging into hsf and see if that process is available for you, should be in main dashboard and should say acceptance form completion or something similar. Goodluck!!

If anyone has already received their scholarship deposited please let us know how long it took once final acceptance form and thank you letter was submitted! Thanks guys and gals.

@UTAustinEng19AM I sent an email because I cannot find a customer service number anywhere. It’s strange that I only got the disbursement email and not one stating the amount in a letter for the scholarship. Thank you for the information! :slight_smile:

update: I found the number, they didn’t pick up so I left a voicemail. The thank you note is due the 29th so hopefully they get back to me soon.

Still no award letter email… should I just send the thank you note anyways? Hmm…