Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

It’s my first time applying for this scholarship and I’m so nervous on not knowing a decision what’s the acceptance rate on recepients receiving a scholarship?

I believe the acceptance rate is quite low. However, no one has received notification of a scholarship yet, it seems. So don’t get too nervous about not hearing anything yet

Has anyone tried calling them to find out when they are releasing it?

Good luck getting anyone on the phone. I tried.

Idk if anyone has noticed the tab that says scholarship 2017-2018 due date August 4th. Although mine has been submitted since march but it has Continue application once I click “to finish” it takes me straight to my dashboard saying your application is complete since march 31,2017. So I wonder what Aug 4 scholarship 2017-2018 stands for? Possibly notifications?

Oh that is funky, It says that on mine too. Thanks for pointing that out, I don’t really know that I personally would look too much into it, although I hope that by August 4th we would have known hahaha.

What conference were you accepted for? And when did you apply? Congratulations!

This is my first time applying for the HSF. As a graduate student, I think my chances of getting it are low. However, I am a STEM degree so I am hopeful. I am wondering when they will announce the winners.

@famorales STEM Summit and thank you :slight_smile: I applied in early July.

I messaged them on Facebook. They told me last week that the notifications will be send this week or next week. Someone message them again!

^ Thank you!!!

Decisions are out! Congrats on 2018 scholars :slight_smile:

I have been waitlisted.
Anybody have any luck with that? :expressionless:

I haven’t received an email, but my portal says application accepted and now I have an option to upload documents… does that mean I’m getting a scholarship?

@BlackDragon209 yeah, this is how it was last year

I haven’t received an email yet and my portal looks exactly the same. Does this mean I wasn’t accepted, or are they sending out decisions in waves?

I got waitlisted :smiley:

It says “Application Waitlisted” but I still have to upload my transcript and my FAFSA…What does that mean?

scmd111 - I got the same thing. Weird!

@MJBass I know! So I am confused…Sigh. I’ve literally went crazy waiting ;\