Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

Same, no email yet.

I was selected. 2 time scholar now. Also a STEM master’s student

I’m confused. Mine said “congratulatiosn being designated an HSF scholar”. But also said “wait listed for funds”. Aren’t scholars supposed to be not waitlisted?

So I been awarded a scholarship, but there is nothing in my email indicating I am an HSF Scholar. Is getting a scholarship and being designated a HSF Scholar two different things?

Let’s just end the confusion.


You are a HSF scholar if you got the scholarship or got waitlisted.
People on the waitlist don’t get money atm.

Wait guys, I got waitlisted as well. Question, does that mean even if I don’t receive a scholarship
award, the title of ‘HSF Scholar’ stays with me and I can use it?
I ask because I am currently applying as a transfer to University of Maryland for the Spring 2018, and I
would like to use the title to have better chances at getting it. At this point I don’t care, though I need, about the money, but can you any of you answer that question? I will be internsing at NASA GSFC and I won’t be attending the Fall at my University.
Congrats to everyone who got picked up

@selimpride, so that is a yes to my question? I am a scholar despite being ineligible for an award?
This is the first time I apply, so apologies in advance if I am being annoying.

I was waitlisted as well I don’t know how to feel about this :frowning: what are the chances of even receiving this scholarship!

This is my first ever post on CollegeConfidential, so I apologize if I may ask any inflammatory or annoying questions- I like many people here from the looks of it, have too been notified with this message yesterday evening:

“Thank you for your submission to the HSF Scholarship Application, and congratulations for being designated an HSF Scholar! At this time, you will be placed on a waitlist for a scholarship award. Should additional funds become available between now and the fall, and you maintain your eligibility, as described below, you will be considered for an HSF Scholarship award.”

This was my first ever application with HSF so I am unfamiliar with how to interpret this. At no point during the initial application (as in, the general application from January to the April 26, 2017 deadline) were official transcripts, enrollment verifications, FAFSA/SAR reports ever asked for or even mentioned- which makes me curious to know how the fortunate few (congratulations to you all!) who’ve been explicitly awarded a scholarship for the 2017-2018 year did get awarded- was based on previous submissions or previous transcripts? Everyone was given the same exact application, and it seems the verdicts all came out yesterday evening.

So I am confused, because I like a lot of others here don’t know how to interpret this and don’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. Otherwise it would appear that they have revised their formatting from last year, leading to all the confusion: and that perhaps this “waitlist” is just a secondary step to narrow down the entire applicant pool (meaning chances of getting an award aren’t at all diminished), not a grim statement that is saying one’s chances are now slim to none . Any advice would be helpful!

Hello all, this is my first ever post on CollegeConfidential, so I apologize if I ask any silly questions. I, like many other people in this thread, received yesterday evening an email from HSF stating I have been selected as an “HSF Scholar” while simultaneously being put on a “waitlist for a scholarship award.”, and do not know how to interpret this.

Because this was my first ever application through HSF, I am not familiar with their typical application process nor its norms. I am confused and curious to know, for those of you who have been explicitly notified that you have been bestowed a scholarship (congratulations to you all!) for the 2016-2017 aid year, whether you were given this award based on previous records (such as: enrollment verifications, SAR Reports, official transcripts, all from 2015-2016)- I ask because at no point in the initial application (from January to the April 26th 2017 deadline) do I recall any form or cue to submit enrollment, FAFSA reports, nor transcripts for the most recent academic year (2016-2017), nor anything related to this.

I ask because I, like many other people here, am confused and wouldn’t want to get my hopes up for nothing. It appears from reading older posts that HSF has altered their formatting from last year, and perhaps the term “waitlist” could be a misnomer, in that it could mean ‘wait-listed students’ are being prompted to provide actual registration and financial aid data after having been accepted from a large pool of applicants (actually bolstering one’s chances of getting a scholarship), as opposed to a statement saying one’s chances of being given the privilege of any scholarship amount are now slim to none. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

@slyvanScreener I was waitlisted and awarded last year. From my experience HSF has three kinda categories, you can be Scholar + Funds, Scholar + Waitlist or just out of luck. When you are a Scholar of any sort they want to have your financial data, your enrollment data, etc., because sort of the way the fund works throughout the year, whether they receive more available funds, whether someone is ineligible for funds etc., it makes their job much easier to be able to allocate the funds to people on the waitlist. Being on the waitlist you have like a 50/50 shot that you’ll get funds at some point depending on availability, type of fund and your spot on the waitlist. I wouldn’t necessarily hold out for this or anything, I’d just submit whatever they ask you to in a timely fashion and if a cool surprise happens, awesome. If not, you are still an HSF Scholar which is a really great honor in itself.

How will the decision appear in the HSF on a mobile device?

@sephyleader Thanks for the reply and insightful tips! However my question still remains and I remain confused.

By this I mean, unless I am grossly mistaken, there was no salient verification requests required for any profile data from initial application, meaning it is to be taken largely at face value- a community college student could say he or she has a 4.0 GPA at Harvard or MIT, for example, with no solicitation to prove it.The most unique aspect was the essay, so I am assuming that those who already have been explicitly awarded must have knocked this requirement out of the park.

^ They do ask for transcripts after selection. Processing grade verifications for every applicant would be time consuming. During selection, GPA isn’t too relevant once you meet the minimum. After that they look mostly at your essay + EC’s.

Still no damn email. Whatever, I’ll just submit the documents and hope that I get off the waitlist. Good luck to all my fellow comrades with that status.

Is it okay to upload unofficial transcripts for the individuals on the waiting list?

The question I ask is: I have attended an internship at NASA GSFC during the spring 2017, attended summer classes at my uni and now will be attending another internship at NASA GSFC during the Fall 2017,this time as a Pathways intern. Now my school classifies me as a full-time student because their co-op office writes a certification letter saying that. So technically I have been full-time for the Spring and will be for the Fall. Has anyone had an experience like mine and received a funds award after submitting the documents? I was wait-listed and submitted all of the documents already, but I really do wonder if they will take my case as eligible.

My DD co-oped and her school considered her a full-time enrolled student and certified her as such to HSF. Her school then held on to her scholarship funds and applied them in their entirety for the next semester she was taking classes full-time at school.

@ChalatecoSV Hey congrats for all your achievements!! Arriba chalatenango!!! #Salvidecorazon

@itsv Thank you for the info, based on that I should be able to do the same should we get some funds as a waitlisted scholar.
@ALPHANOVA Thank you, proud to represent. What’s your story? how many times have you been designated as an HSF scholar and so on.