Hispanic Scholarship Fund 2017-18

@ChalatecoSV I forgot to mention, also apply for scholarships that allow you to attend conferences. The HENAAC deadline is Sept. 1 and they will help pay for you to attend the conference. My DD went last year and got some great internship offers from aerospace companies. The Tapia conference is the largest gathering of Latino CS and they have scholarships for students to attend their conference. If you are a woman, the Society of Women Engineers has a College Leadership Institute and they will pay some of the expenses for attending SWE.






I have just received a message asking what school I will be attending. Anyone else?

Anyone get an update on the waitlist??

No updates here at least @johonmilla

Hi all,

I just realized this group existed.

On July 20th, I received this email: “Congratulations! You have been selected from among a highly competitive pool of applicants to receive a scholarship from the Hispanic Scholarship Fund. Your award amount will range from $500 to $5,000! Here are the next steps”

I received notifcation on August 18th to resend a certain document and now I am just waiting.

Anyone else in the same boat? Does anyone know how much they won, or are they still picking that? This was my first year applying.

They wont tell you how the scholarship amount until like November/December. They do it based on the documents you submitted (school tuition and financial aid).

HSF online says it will begin distributing to students their scholarship monies between October and December. I checked my DD’s emails from last year and she received a deposit notice from Wells Fargo (who distributes the money on behalf of HSF) around mid-October. I am just curious if anyone has received notification of their scholarship amounts.

@itsv I have not heard anything. Not even enrollment verification which I have emailed them about and they said in a few weeks they will ask.

I successfully applied to the HSF scholarship this year (previous years I was missing recommendations and supporting documents), but have not received any emails from HSF regarding the status of my application. In my HSF dashboard it says that my application has been wait listed, but I have not received any email telling me so like other applicants have based on what I have read. Does this still mean that I am on the wait list despite of not receiving an email?

UPDATE: just sent in my enrollment verification and signed the pledge.

My DD today was also requested to send in the enrollment verification , complete the survey and sign the pledge. Still no notification of the amount of the scholarship.

Yep, I just completed my enrollment verification and pledge.
I wonder by when we would be hearing back if they gave us an award

Hey! I just found out about this forum! Yesterday I notice I was requested to sent enrollment verification, complete a survey and sign the pledge. If we receive that, does it means that we were selected to receive any aid? Thanks

I received the request as well. I think they just ask everyone who was wait-listed.

Have you guys received the WellsFargo email?

No. No email from Wells Fargo.

Has anyone gotten an email from Wells Fargo, now? Also, are there any people here who have been wait listed and gotten the scholarship? :smiley:

Wait-listed, but no Wells Fargo email, and no scholarship. :frowning:

I’ve been reading this thread for a while and decided to sign up and share my thoughts.

I am starting to believe that they waitlist everyone that meets the initial requirements and then filter through the candidates once the documents proving gpa, financial aid, and enrollment are provided.

I went to a HSF scholars luncheon that formally welcomed those selected as scholars. There were about 200-300 in attendance and maybe 150 scholars. Out of the scholars I spoke to, every single one was wait listed. I tried to spread my self around asking that very question during a ‘scavenger hunt’ HSF had us do at the start of the luncheon and did not run across anyone that was awarded money except for a few returning scholars that were awarded the previous term.