Hispanic Students - COLLEGE CLASS of 2015

<p>BVMomof2, your note reminds me how great that offer is from U of Arizona. And the iPad is a nice touch. As I said, wish my son would apply. But I might have played all of my cards on the search process. </p>

<p>stillwatermom, Rice is a great university. And let’s hope USC comes through with something sweet for everybody this year.</p>

<p>We visited friends in Tuscon over spring break several years ago and D2 had typical allergy symptoms, none of which she’d ever had before, and we live in a place known for inducing allergies due to both local agriculture and forests. My friend said it was because of the olive trees that were planted in abundance when the city was growing, and which are now prohibited from being planted. Their desert botanical garden is amazing, it would be fun to visit it every season of the year.</p>

<p>As far as places in AZ, I always thought NAU in Flagstaff would be a great place to attend since there are so many great things to do outdoors close by. They do have some merit scholarships for OOS students, but none specifically for Hispanics.</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving everybody!</p>

<p>On this day of Thanksgiving, I would like to thank all of you on CC, and on the Hispanic Forum in particular. If it weren’t for you (entomom and ITSV especially), I would not be nearly as informed about the college process as I am, my son would not be a National Hispanic Scholar, and he wouldn’t have been accepted to Georgia Tech early. I have learned so much by following the advice of posters here and by reading as much as I can on CC. Despite the fact that my son has decided that CC (at least in our house) stands for “crack cocaine” and that I have developed a true addiction, we are eternally grateful for the advice and support we have seen on CC. DS has completed a number of applications over the last couple of weeks, but having a great acceptance in hand has made a world of difference in his confidence. I highly recommend early action programs as a stress reliever. </p>

<p>Thank you again for making this process much more enjoyable and for taking the time to help those of us who are going through it for the first time!</p>

<p>Sunchasher –</p>

<p>Thank you so much for your kind words. Just remember to pay it forward. Many Hispanic Students and their parents need our help these days with the college process. We really need to work at increasing the number of Latinos in college these days. </p>

<p>It is funny I was going to post that I want to give thanks to entomom. She goes well above the call of duty to make sure all of us here are well-informed on the Hispanic Board. Plus she answer every PM so quickly and with a ton of information.</p>

<p>I am so happy for you and your son. Having a nice acceptance is a great help as you finish the rest of the process. My son too thinks of cc as cracked cocaine. He never went on it but I used it a lot last year for his college process. Good luck to you and your son in this upcoming year. There will be lots of decisions and changes but trust me they will all be good ones!!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving

<p>sunchaser and itsv,</p>

<p>Thank you both so much, you’ve made my Thanksgiving a little brighter! I think we all stumbled on CC in our search for information, and were all lucky enough to run into people who had gone through the process before us. I started when my D1 was a soph in HS, and this year she graduates from college! D2 said tonight that applying to college hasn’t been as bad as she thought it would be, mainly because her mom knows the process so well. Wow, that was an unexpected but welcome comment :).</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your S sunchaser! That is so great to have an early acceptance, it makes a student realize that all of their hard work paid off and that, yes, they really are going off to college next fall. And on the selfish side, I think it encourages them to work harder on their remaining applications once they see some concrete results.</p>

<p>My kids are the same about CC, neither participates, but they have come to appreciate the knowledge and community it can provide. When D1 was going to visit schools where she had been accepted, one college didn’t have a student to house her since it wasn’t during their specified days. I started a thread asking if anyone with a child at that school might be willing to put her up for a night, and low and behold, someone stepped up and she had a great visit. It really is amazing that with all of the superficial craziness that exists on this site, there are also so many people who deep down just want to help and support others so that each kid can find the school that’s right for them.</p>

<p>I’m very glad that CC provided this space for Hispanic concerns. It helps so much to have a peaceful space that is relatively free of the misinformation and high emotions that often accompany college admissions. Thanks to everybody that participates, we all make it happen together!</p>

<p>Hope everyone had a great long weekend! </p>

<p>D2 made some progress, 2 more submitted over the weekend, leaving 2 applications and some scholarship essays to go. If course, the remaining ones have more difficult essays, but definitely doable by the New Year.</p>

<p>Hi everyone. Hope you had a nice holiday. Made some progress in the last week. My s sent off app to a top public in the Midwest with good merit. Could be a good possibility. Also sent off the UC apps, which are open for filing only during the month of November. I heard the system crashes sometimes on the last day, so it was good to beat the deadline by at least a week. The latest thing is he was trying to file another one tonight but that system seemed to be stuck or crashing, and he couldn’t submit it.</p>

<p>After seeing my s do a few of these and writing four different sets of essays, I would recommend that students apply to 6 or 7. I would think you need to be very interested in these places to to put all that time into preparing the apps…Good part is he’s working on his writing!!</p>

<p>Hello all—I am glad I discovered this sub-forum! I am a Puerto-Rican high school senior. I am applying to:</p>

<p>-UPenn: Wharton (ED)
-UC Berkeley
-Claremont McKenna<br>
-WashU St. Louis
-Notre Dame
-University of Michigan
-University of Washington
-Santa Clara
-Boston College
-Carnegie Mellon

<p>Hope you all had a nice holiday break. We did, and D also got a couple more apps in, like yours did.
So far, acceptances, with pretty good merit scholarships from:
UOP (University of the Pacific)
On the breaks got the apps into:
University of Arizona
Ohio State
Still have 4 more to do. (If I don’t keep changing list). Just added Lewis & Clark. Dropped Auburn (even with the amazing National Hispanic Scholarship, D will not apply there).</p>

<p>Welcome idontjoke! That is quite an impressive list of schools. Good luck!</p>

<p>I am reticent to post too much information on schools but I can indicate my D got an offer from Fordham for a full ride so she did send in an application there. She will likely apply to BU as they offer 1/2 tuition to NHRP recipients (you have to send a copy of the award to them with the application). Also won the MA state award for free tuition at UMASS Amherst or whatever school in UMASS system you want to attend, does not include board though.</p>

<p>She is also applying to quite a few tough colleges/reach schools but I am confident that some are not that high of a reach. Anyway, good luck to all of you and anyone who makes it ED in the next week to one of your reach/dream schools let us all know ONLY if its good news! Good luck everyone. This forum has been a real pleasure to be a part of for a gringo dad.

<p>Congrats to your kids BV and wlm! The did all the hard work and are now reaping some of the rewards.</p>

<p>idj, welcome to the Hispanic Students forum! Hope you’re able to find some helpful information here, the sticky threads are a good place to start.</p>

<p>BV and WLM-great news for your children! And not even December 1st! Its a relief to get those acceptances, and for your children, great scholarships to boot. I like entomom’s statement about the kids doing the hard work and reaping some of the rewards. I am often amazed at my D’s determinatioin, discipline and passion for hard work. My D finished all her Dec. 1 scholarship apps yesterday, only 3 to go that aren’t due until January 15th. I am guessing she will be finished my mid December. And then we wait, relax, enjoy the holidays and hopefully not think too much about it until notification time.
Welcome idj-what a list of schools-my D. is applying to three on your list!</p>

<p>idontjoke, are you applying to 20+ or did you want suggestions for narrowing the list? I ask because some of them seem very different (e.g. Berkeley and Notre Dame).</p>

<p>Great news today! D2 has been accepted to her last rolling admissions school, an OOS public. She was waiting for a decision before working on scholarship essays, so she’ll be plenty busy (in a good way) over the winter break. </p>

<p>Hope everyone is holding up well, the waiting is difficult. Best of luck to all who are awaiting EA/ED decisions next week!</p>

<p>Congrats to you and your daughter, entomom. It’s been kind of quiet on the board this week, and I’m wondering if there is a lull. At our house the Dec. 1 deadline passed and my son is taking a break from the apps before doing a few more. Not sure if he will push the deadlines. I hope there are still some merit scholarships left by the time he files the last of the apps. :slight_smile: He just decided to switch an Ivy for match school with merit potential but if he gets an EA acceptance, he may want to cut back on the number of apps. Hope everyone is doing well.</p>

<p>Entomom - Congrats to you daughter (and to you)! Nice to see all of that hard work and research pay off! It is really nice to get those early acceptances.</p>

<p>Copterguy - I know what you mean about the lul, that way in our house too. Feels kind of stange, like we should be doing something. D has an app due on 12/15 that she says she will due this weekend. Then 3 more after that with due dates that follow 12/30 and in January. She says she will do them all this weekend, but that would surprise me. But it sure would be nice to have them all done before Christmas! … Then shortly after it will be my turn to be under more stress with the FAFSA and the Profile stuff to do, then midterm grades to get sent in. So lets enjoy this short lul!</p>

<p>BVMomof2, lol. You just reminded me that soon we’re up for those FAFSA and CSS forms, etc. I guess then I’ll just nag myself.</p>

<p>I have a question for senior members with experience in choosing colleges that are within reach of a student. I have done a lot of reading and came across zscores. If you calculate your zscore you can see where your position is relative to the other students in your ethnicity. Do colleges use this when looking at sat scores for urms? I know they probably put all hispanics in a pile for review, but do they separate them further into other hispanics, mexicans, and puerto ricans. I ask this because if colleges separate out hispanics my son is a more competitive canidate than if he is lumped in with other hispanics. I do not wish to offend anybody. I am simply trying to figure out how strong a candidate my son is for the elite colleges.</p>

I’m not familiar with zscores as they pertain to college admissions (I just remember them from my Statistics classes), so I don’t know if they’re used or not. The CB posts percentiles for SAT scores broken down by ethnicity and race, and they split Hispanics into MA, PR and all others combined. Googling this will give you the PDF file: “SAT Percentile Ranks gender ethnicity”.</p>

<p>I don’t know if colleges actually separate out different Hispanic groups, but they do give weight to MA and PR candidates because these are the Hispanic groups that are most underrepresented in US colleges. As I’ve stated before, there are many factors within being Hispanic that adcoms look at, including geographic background, SES, etc.</p>