<p>I am applying for NTU, NUS, and HKUST.
How good are these uni's for doing Masters in Computer Science?</p>
<p>But first, my biggest doubt is whether I will be eligible or not??</p>
<p>I got 1320 in GRE -
800-Quant, 520-Verbal, 4.0-Analytical</p>
<p>Have 2 years of working experience in an IT company.</p>
<p>Bachelors in Computer Science - 7.9/10
12th Percentage (High school equivalent) - 87.55%
10th Percentage (Middle school equivalent) - 92%</p>
<p>Would this profile be accepted by these universities?</p>
<p>Please help!</p>
<p>Thanks a ton in advance</p>