HL Bio or HL physics

Hey guys,
I’m taking IB next year, and I’m really torn between HL Physics and HL Bio. Currently I’m getting A* in both subjects, however, I heard there will be a major leap between IGCSE and IB. I feel like physics is more concepts and mathematics, and bio is more memorisation, but honestly I find them both to be the same difficulty. I’m really good at maths, and I heard that helps for physics, however in my experience the level of math is really basic. I heard physics might be harder, especially the quantum part of the syllabus, but then again you have so much to memorise for biology. I really need help deciding.
Thanks in advance!

P.S. I have to take HL chem, and another science, since i want to study medicine.

I would encourage you to look at the syllabus for both subjects (just google “ib hl biology subject guide” or ask your teacher). i think at the end, its really which subject you find more interesting. I take bio but I don’t take physics so i can’t comment on physics, but i have really enjoyed bio. the topics were very interesting to me, but yes, there is a lot of memorization. Do you have to take HL physics/bio? Even studying medicine, I don’t think that its required to be at HL. Maybe take SL and then switch to HL later if you really like it (so that if you find out it was the wrong choice it won’t be so hard).

HL chemistry is a requirement, alongside either HL bio, physics or maths. I could take HL maths instead of a second HL science, but I have heard that HL maths is by far the hardest subject in the IB, so it really comes down to either HL bio or physics. I’ll talk to my teachers, and perhaps they can help me decide.