HL Biology AND HL Chemistry?

<p>Hey everyone,</p>

<p>I'm currently in 10th grade and very soon have to pick my courses for next year. I plan to take the full IB diploma. Here's the schedule I plan to take:
SL Math
SL French
SL Contemporary World History
HL English
HL Biology
HL Chemistry</p>

<p>I am sure I want to take all of these classes.. except HL Chemistry, which I'm not 100% sure about. Has anyone here doubled on HL sciences and can give me any suggestions? Is it really, really difficult to manage HL Chem and Bio? </p>

<p>Thanks! </p>

<p>I haven’t taken HL chemistry, but I hear it is extremely difficult. Taking that along with HL Bio is going to be really stressful… Maybe try taking one of the sciences as an SL instead? </p>

<p>I’m pretty sure doing 2 HL sciences would murder you. What other HLs are offered if there’s any more?</p>

<p>You should be fine. plenty of people do this. HL bio is certainly easier but HL chem is way better for college. If you want an easier route take HL History and SL chem. </p>

<p>So I have the same HLs as you (and except for history, the same SLs too). It’s quite a manageable workload: neither of these sciences at HL will be completely impossible. Sure, biology is content heavy and chemistry needs conceptual comprehension so you don’t need to memorize things too much, but all in all, it’s not inordinately hard</p>

<p>I would suggest, as others said, SL chem HL history. But, in the end, it is your choice. While i’m sure it is no doubt doable, I don’t think that in itself is a reason for doing two science HLs. But, I have a bias; I take HL Bio SL chem.</p>

<p>We have a handful of kids at my school who are actually taking that exact same schedule. You should be fine! Just remember to manage your time well. </p>

<p>My son is in a school where everyone has to go for the ib diploma. As a junior and senior they are required to take hl bio plus either hl chem or hl physics. Since everyone in the school does this, it may be somewhat manageable. </p>

<p>I agree with everyone here. You should switch History to HL and Chemistry to SL if those are options available at your school.</p>

<p>I’m taking the combo of HL Biology/Chemistry next year, it’s definitely manageable as long as your a good science student. Plus tons of students take this combo every year worldwide.Don’t worry, i’m sure you’ll do great!</p>

<p>I don’t agree with the above comment about switching higher level chemistry for history, HL chemistry will serve you better if you intend on majoring in science. It will prepare you for the workload/rigor of college science courses. </p>

<p>I just finished IB and my HLs were the same as yours except I also took HL Geo. Chem and Bio and not that difficult at HL - I really enjoyed taking them. I found more difficulties in my other classes. I also think they are two very interesting courses. 4 other girls in my year doubled up on HL Bio and Chem and we all did well during the two years. It’s nothing to worry about as long as you are interested in science. It’s extremely manageable. </p>