HL chem. + SL bio or SL physics?

<p>by this summer we had to finish our course selection for ib. as you know we had to decide 3 HL and SL course.Im not really sure about my future job but I want to take Chem. HL but I cant decide wheather SL Bio. or SL physics. btw I dont know can our ib coordinator able to create SL bio. class... also I'll take maths Standart level but im really concern about my future because I always think about will Sl maths be okay for university.. really need your help..</p>

<p>Your post is a bit confusing but if you’re good at math and want to go study it in university, then maybe take HL math?</p>

<p>Even if you haven’t narrowed yourself down to a future career yet, can you describe what kinds of things you enjoy and what topics interest you? Or, what fields you MIGHT want to work in? We have nothing to go off of.</p>

<p>As far as the math goes, Math Studies is a joke but I believe Math SL is decent.</p>

<p>If your wondering which one is easier, they both are pretty much the same(from what I’ve heard). You need to play to your strengths here, Bio Is more of memorizing however phy is more practical, so take up one that you’d enjoy because in IB taking a subject you don’t like will make it really hard to get good points… :)</p>