HL Exam Score Replacing SL Exam?


<p>I'm a junior (and IB Diploma Candidate) and have completed my IB Business and Management SL course this year (going to be getting my results on the 6th of June). </p>

<p>I'm taking the HL class my senior year.
Also, i'm taking 4 HL's and 2 SL's next year:</p>

<p>HL Bio
HL Business
HL English
HL History
SL Spanish
SL Economics. </p>

<p>My question is, will i receive credit towards my IB diploma for completing my SL Business class? Or is my score automatically replaced by my HL class? </p>


<p>I don’t have an answer for your question, but I’m fairly sure that as it stands with your courses for next year, you aren’t eligible for the diploma. You’re missing a group 5 (mathematics) subject and have one too many Group 3 subjects.</p>

<p>Whoops! I forgot to write down that i’m taking IB Math Studies, so that takes care of my group 5.
I’m not sure what you mean by taking too many group 3 subjects though. </p>

<p>How many IB classes are you taking? That’s like 8 classes. What he meant by too many group 3, those are classes like history, business, economics, etc. Basically any humanity and social science course.
And I don’t know how to answer your actual question. I’m going into IB myself.</p>