HL Math or History - Which is Harder?

What’s the difference between SL and HL history- I know there’s only an additional 2 topics which is not that bad…so what’s the fuss? Also isn’t the difficulty level the same only there’s more content to learn. It’s not that bad right? I’m planing to drop HL math to SL so I can easily get a 7 in SL math. I want to drop down but my teacher won’t let me…i don’t even understand anything the teacher’s talking about since day 1… I mean I’m not a good historian either as I hate reading but I’d probably get a 5 in both HL/ SL history so… your thoughts? What should I do? It’s the 2nd week of school? When should I switch subjects ? And how to make my teacher allow me?

The academic expectations for HL are much higher than for SL.
However if you can’t understand HL maths
at all, how can you be sure you will get a 7 or even a 6 in SL?
What majors are you thinking of?