Hmmm What Are My Chances?

<p>Male, Asian </p>

<p>Prospective majors: Biochem and Molecular Biology</p>

<p>rank 27/489
GPA 3.97 UW, 4.3 W</p>

<p>ACT 33
SAT2s: Chem 780, Physics 770, Bio 760, USH 720, Math 2c 790</p>

<p>APs taken Bio 5<em>, chem 5</em>, physics B 5, Physics C Mech 5<em>, Physics C E/M 5</em>, AP Language 4, AP US 4<em>, AP Calculus BC 5</em></p>

<li>self studied tests</li>

<p>-National AP Scholar
-National Merit Commended
-Badminton team for 4 years , 2 years varsity
-badminton team captain
-assistant coach for girls varsity team, JV team last year
-state ranked player, played many tournaments
-started squash club, hosted interscholastic tournaments
-1st violinist in highest orchestra in school,
-went to carnegie hall to perform
-level 10 certificate of merit
-Renaissance committee, fundraising chair
-Physics club president
-Science Bowl Team Captain
-350 hours volunteer at hospital
-300 hours doing research in a medical school lab
-I have a strong interest in science, curious, inquisitive learner, motivated</p>

<p>my class rank is not that high since I self studied APs like Chemistry and and Calculus BC before I was allowed to take the class at school and so I didnt take as many APs in school as the other people in my class. Do you think that I will be penalized for this?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!!</p>

<p>I started reading your post and I was like, “OMG, Doppelganer from another mother?”</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure I have a shot so you do too.</p>

<p>I looked you up and am also very surprised that we are in fact very similar.
Thanks for your comment. Anyone else?</p>

<p>i like the diversity! being a prospective science guy is not gonna hurt you. </p>

<p>where are you from? that’s an important detail (sadly). but based off of what you’ve got there alone, I say you’re in good shape. you’re not gonna get shoved to the bottom of the pile, that’s for sure. hope that your essays were good and good luck =]</p>

<p>It’s a good thing that you’re in NJ and I’m in California or else we’d be competing against each other. I did the same major too!</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>hey, I’m from NJ! the competition here is way too hectic…</p>

<p>i wished i lived in like papau, new guinea or something.</p>

<p>what about the class rank? how much will that affect me?</p>