Hokie Camp

<p>Can you share your experiences please? I'm a transfer and I was thinking of attending to get a feel of what to expect and meet new people. </p>

<p>What are some activities you participated in?
What did you bring?
Was there any academic component to it at all (i.e. could you talk with an advisor etc)?
What was you experience overall?</p>

<p>If you are, which ones are you going to? I'm going to the second one.</p>

<p>Hokie Camp was an incredible experience to say the least. Attending was by far one of the best decisions I’ve made at Tech. As far as experiences, it is mostly there to get to know other new Hokies and to alleviate any fears about transitioning to the university. You do this through traditional camp activities: canoeing, swimming, etc. and some more Tech specific activities such as talking with upperclassmen about their experiences. You will get an email closer to Hokie Camp on what to bring. Academically, there isn’t per se a session or anything devoted to it, but you will have staff members all around you that can answer any questions you may have, and there are plenty of opportunities to do this. I’m a counselor this year, and I’ll be going to the first session. Believe me, it’s an amazing experience.</p>

<p>I wasn’t blown away, but i’m not really the “ra ra ra”/‘let’s jump to sandman’ type. I’m not a debbie downer or anti-VT, but I didn’t really feel that sense of bonding. Some of the activities are fun, but you won’t do anything on your own schedule.</p>

<p>For most people it’s probably a good thing. If you’re worried about making friends once classes start, it can be a good head start and a good way to meet people outside of your major/college. Would I do it again? Nope. Would I recommend it to 75%+ of people? Yep. Girls will probably get much more out of it than guys.</p>

<p>The money we spent was worth every penny. She bonded with her team (who won the Hokie Cup) and it made her transition to VT much easier. HC may not be for everyone, as the previous poster stated, but if you enjoy the outdoors, competition and making new friends, don’t miss out!</p>

<p>I hear mixed reviews. I didn’t like Hokie Camp much; I actually sort of questioned my college decision after attending. I’m out of state, and many of the students attending were VA residents who all wanted to talk about each others’ schools and whether they knew the same people and stuff. I didn’t stay friends with anyone from Hokie Camp and don’t think it made any difference in how I approached my education. On the other hand, I know people who love it.</p>