Hokie Focus

Can anyone shed some light on Hokie Focus for me?

I’d like to have my son attend if he’s accepted to VT, but it seems pretty unstructured. Their description on the website leaves me wondering how much additional information he’d receive beyond what we learned on a campus tour last fall.

He had an information session with his intended VT College after the tour, which was great.

We’ve eaten on campus and really enjoyed it.

Will there be a greater focus on dorms/housing? Is the Information Fair worth it? Are the campus tours materially different than the usual tours?

I’m just trying to gauge whether the program is worth another 700+ mile trip.

At this point I feel like we’d attend so my wife could see the campus more than anything else.

We had this same question, so I called to see if there were any expanded programs (we too attended the presentation from S’s intended college). From what I was told, there was minimal benefit, if any, to attending HokieFocus since we had done a full-boat visit during fall open house. In particular I asked about being able to see inside residence halls…no dice. Info fair, financial aid sessions may be of value to some, although I tend to find that most of that info is available on the various department webpages.

It seems geared more towards accepted students who haven’t decided if VT is their #1 and/or folks who didn’t visit until they found out they were accepted.


I’ve read posts here about other schools doing overnights and allowing prospective students to attend a class. I guess Tech doesn’t feel the need to do any of that. Virginia Tech is #1A for my son, with JMU being #1B. I was hoping to have him attend both of their admitted student days before he made a final decision.

I don’t know that JMU offers that either, other than their prospective students weekend which is for multicultural students only. VT only offers overnights for prospective Corps of Cadets students. He was accepted EA at JMU, waiting on RD for VT.

Hypatia has done a female engineering weekend for admitted students.

@Time2Shine We took my daughter last year because she was torn between VT, Clemson and U. South Carolina. We did the Hokie Focus and then headed to the other schools. We were certain she was going to choose either Clemson or South Carolina but since I am an alum I persuaded her to at least give VT another chance. Honestly, she had the best tour director, got to speak directly with the dean for Pamplin and fell in love with the campus. After our 2nd tour of USC she proudly announced that she was going to be a Hokie. So, the morale of the story is go if your student is still on the fence.

Ugh - same day we are scheduled to be at SC.

Do parents attend Hokie Focus? We did not do a college tour so we are planning on attending.

@lastone03 – same. Will be at USC Admitted Students day. See ya there!