Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice

This made my day. What a remarkable thread.

So cool! Congratulations to the OP and to Chris, MIT and whatever school the OP graduated from. Some schools invest in PR to paint a pretty picture but have policies that are simply wrong-bad for students but that line the pockets of the university even when that means doing something that is the antithesis of good pedagogy (ie mandating that students attend a community college so the university can fill expensive$$$ dorms). And then there is MIT on the other side of the continuum. I’d love to know of other schools so hell bent on actualizing the values they espouse. Maybe this was just Chris but it is consistent with what I’ve seen of MIT. Great outcome. Thanks for the hope in humanity!

Wow – such a heartwarming life story - Chris - am sure you made a huge positive difference and so wonderful that you you saw her graduate. Maybe she’ll post and let everyone know how she’s doing. So amazing to hear how you monitored this thread and reached out to lift the OP up!! Feel so proud.


I agree! Best thread ever!

Looked at the OP’s updated threads and responses and it looks like she went to Amherst with a full ride. Awesome.

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Wow! An update after 4 years! Kudos to MITchris and Amherst. I am so cynical that I would have dismissed the OP.

Incredible amount of respect for both Chris and OP.

This is amazing! Chris and OP, you are both awesome!

This is one of those reasons for why i want to join MIT


This is one of those reasons for why i want to join MIT


Is this great ending specific to MIT?

Or is due to the big heart of a CC reader, who just happens to work in the MIT admissions office, reaching out on his own to help?

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Amherst - not too shabby.

Congrats! Amherst is going to be GREAT for you.

the OP just GRADUATED from Amherst.
this is s 4 year old thread.

ooops. lol

Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late to the update party. I did graduate from Amherst College less than a month ago, and it was all only possible because of Chris’ immense kindness and dedication to others. This man has become one of the biggest inspirations of my life. We’ve seen each other on several of occasions since this thread was started, including my first semester at Amherst when he came to meet me in person and see how I was adjusting. Last month, he drove for FOUR HOURS, in between flights, to go to my graduation and see me for just a few minutes. When I walked down the stage right after getting my diploma, Chris was the first person I saw. He hugged me tightly, told me how proud of me he was, and I just completely broke down in tears.

Amherst was a blessing to me every single day and to say that it changed my life feels like a serious understatement. It turned my life upside down in the best way possible. Thank you Chris, for the millionth time, for this gift that you gave me. I will never, never run out of motivation to touch the lives of others as you have mine.

Since some of you asked for an update, I’ll be starting a full-time job as a software engineer in the Bay Area this year. Five years ago, I slept in a playground because I had nowhere else to go that night. Now I have everything I could ever need in life and I’m surrounded by people who love and support me. My heart is filled to the brim with gratitude, and it always will be. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


@thisisthais - Congratulations! It is a great accomplishment after overcoming such a hard childhood.

You will enjoy the bay area,

@MITChris - you are a very good man to keep providing support to a kid who was not attending MIT and ensuring their successful completion at another school.

Thisis as it should be. We are all tremendously happy for you.

What a feel good thread and great update! OP - Job well done. Best wishes to you in your career, and pay it forward! @MITChris - You not only rep MIT in the best light, but humanity. Seeing a person vs an applicant, and not only reaching out but playing an active role in changing her narrative and outcome is beyond inspiring.

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