Homeless, didn't get in through the waitlist, have no where else to go, need advice

Bravo, thank you for coming back to update!

I will never, never run out of motivation to touch the lives of others as you have mine.

Wow. Just wow.


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@mitchris you’re my hero - and I don’t even know you. Thanks for showing kindness to someone in need. You are a true role model for us all.

This thread has honestly made me cry so much, I am so happy that it has a happy ending. It really is an incredible reminder of the goodness of people and I think this thread has already impacted the way I see the world.

Thank you to @MITChris you undoubtedly transformed someone’s future and congrats to @thisisthais on graduating - I’m sure you have a very life ahead of you.

Whoever Chris is, blessings, blessings, blessings! OP, YOU will be Chris for so many other people who are fortunate enough to know you.

This is an example of how we should treat each other. It’s OK to be yourself and have your own personailty, needs and wants, and “me” time; but if we can each make an effort to care about each other a little bit more and try to help out even in small ways
 we’ll make all of our lives, and the world, much better.

Hey, @MITChris
would you be interested in a move from Massachusetts Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue?

Goosebumps. OP, I wish you all the blessings and joy in the world. Your perseverance and fortitude will take you far in this world. And MITChris, thank YOU for being a wonderful human being. Pay it forward. What a simple concept, but so life-changingly powerful.

Wow. I’m blown about by this. OP, so many congrats on this incredible transition to success. Chris, you’re amazing for kickstarting this. Still speechless.

After seeing yet another news article about that Chewbacca lady, I wish MITChris and the OP would get their moment. They deserve it so much more.

Congrats for the OP!

Congrats for the OP!

I clicked on this while scrolling through the annoying post thread.

I am NOT a sentimental person - didn’t shed a tear when either of my parents died - but I wept real tears at this story. Chris - you are the type of person I hope my children become, no matter what they do with their lives, and thisisthais, had I not realized that your post was 4 years old, I would have been clicking that gofundme button. Instead, I am thrilled that you will have a career and will be able to take care of yourself.

The best of all in the world to both of you.

For those not familiar with that most annoying posts thread, I posted this link there as an antidote, not an example :slight_smile:

^^ Three thumbs up!

This made me tear up a little, congrats OP!

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update: OP got into MIT for grad school, today, and i can’t stop smiling


Congrats to the OP