<p>OP, you have all the makings for a great fiction book.</p>
<p>OP, you have all the makings for a great fiction book.</p>
<p>Got some ideas for a title for that book, GA2012MOM? Maybe: Supercilious Student on the Streets. Or perhaps How to Make Friends and Influence People. Oh wait, I think that one is already taken. How about Exogenous Ex-family member. Or Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. Or How to live on $5 a day. Wait… also taken.</p>
<p>Did you know that there are some novels written using the SAT vocabulary words [SparkNotes:</a> SAT Novels](<a href=“http://www.sparknotes.com/satfiction/]SparkNotes:”>http://www.sparknotes.com/satfiction/) </p>
<p>[Amazon.com:</a> The Dropanchor Chronicle: A SAT Vocabulary Novel, (9781589396272): Stephen, D. Ring: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Dropanchor-Chronicle-SAT-Vocabulary-Novel/dp/1589396278]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Dropanchor-Chronicle-SAT-Vocabulary-Novel/dp/1589396278)</p>
<p>This could be one as well.</p>
<p>I hear this is a must read.</p>
<p>Lies! Lies!! Lies!!!: The Psychology of Deceit by Charles V. Ford</p>
<p>OK-- we should probably dial down our snarky meters a bit. Hopefully the message is clear.</p>
I’ll have to add that to my repertoire.
Where’s the inconsistency?
If you can find me the legislation that either nullifies USC Title 42, Chapter 119–an act that the USDHUD adopts–or the McKinney-Vento definition, or explicitly excludes runaways from homeless consideration, I’ll refrain from lying. Until then, it’s not lying.</p>
The Terms of Service warns against disclosing information like that, but if there’s a non-federal procedure that differs by county instead of by state, I’d like to know it.</p>
The phrase “SAT words” is an unfair categorization. The Princeton Review, in its AP English Composition book (as of the publication of the '07 edition, anyway), describes “SAT words” (the authors too enclosed it in quotation marks) as words the typical high school graduate should and would know. Unless you want to debate with me on the state of the American secondary education system?</p>
<p>Oh good grief. I retract my offer to turn down the snarkometer. What a total waste of bandwith. Would someone please shoot this thread and take it out of its misery?</p>
<p>If the OP isn’t, as some suspect, a returned banned poster wearing a new guise, he/she may be struggling with Aspergers or perhaps is just a ■■■■■.</p>
<p>OP, you have a choice of whether you are homeless or not. Your school has offered you a shelter, but it’s not something you want to do. I have offered my home to my kid’s friends when they needed a place to stay for a while. It’s pathetic that you wouldn’t have someone in your life who would be willing to help you out. </p>
<p>I ran away from home when I was in HS, lived with a school teacher, managed to get a full merit scholarship with room and board and spending money at a good state college. I did all of that without being homeless because I was smart enough to know there are options. The fact that you can’t seem to find other options but to become homeless, it makes you stupid, and makes you not deserving to go to a top tier school.</p>
<p>As an employer I would never want to employ someone like you either. I would want to hire someone who could come up with sensible solutions at work. If this is the best you could do, then you are idiot.</p>
<p>I am wasting a lot of typing here. I see most posters have left too.</p>
<p>Yes, you’ve come onto this board asking average people about an area you are obviously very well versed in. The questions you have posed can only be answered by someone who has a great deal of knowledge in the area you are wondering about.</p>
I have the option of taking my current school’s offer, yes, but it would be even more foolish to disregard possible consequences (such as screwing myself over for the next 4 years in exchange for a mere 3 months).</p>
I may appear to be well versed in the legal definitions of various things, but so would just about anyone else who can google something and click a few links. What I don’t know is the documentation necessary beyond a director’s determination, such as grocery store receipts or bank statements. That’s all I’m asking! </p>
<p>Will a letter from a homeless director suffice, or will I need to provide more? If so, now would be a good time to start gathering them. But I have to know what to gather first.</p>
<p>The letter from the homeless director will suffice as has been REPEATEDLY stated before. As far as I can tell, you’re trying to whedle a new answer out of us and it won’t work. Go away and find something else to do.</p>
<p>Homeless shelters are temporary residences. They are not set up for long-term accommodations. They are not a hotel. And ESPECIALLY If you have been offered other accommodations-- just incredibly selfish to turn those down and take a spot at a shelter intended for someone who truly NEEDS it.</p>
<p>Page 5 of this document has the verification form that has to be filled out by a HUD or a RHYA homeless shelter director. The form clearly states that no further determination by the financial aid administrator is necessary. </p>
<p><a href=“http://www.naehcy.org/dl/uy_higher_ed.doc[/url]”>www.naehcy.org/dl/uy_higher_ed.doc</a></p>
<p>I would think that you would need some type of evidence for the shelter director. It’s pretty convienient that you became “homeless” after you started college.</p>
<p>This is exactly why you need to explain your situation to a trained professional in your FA office and ask them for guidance. If they won’t certify you without a determination from a shelter director, they will tell you. Asking for guidance from strangers on the internet is not productive. The very general answers you’re getting, combined with whatever research you’re doing, aren’t going to substitute for getting clear insight into how your school will view your particular situation. It sounds as if the school is already aware of your situation so I’m mystified why you refuse to simply discuss your options and their requirements with them.</p>
<p>He will have to to explain to the shelter staff when he applies for placement that he is homeless by choice. This may not meet criteria for acceptance into a shelter. The shelter’s goal is to help the TRULY homeless get back on their feet and fine independent living. If the OP has other resources (parents home, school offer of housing, etc) the shelter may direct the OP to pursue these options. To claim homelessness in order to qualify as an emancipated minor or independence in order to get a free ride at college is the tail wagging the dog… and it is dishonest.</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/nyregion/22homeless.html?_r=2&pagewanted=2[/url]”>http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/nyregion/22homeless.html?_r=2&pagewanted=2</a>
The previous iterations must have hitherto eluded sk8ermom too.
I’m going to take a wild guess here: the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act covers runaways? But does the no further determination is necessary clause mean that the financial aid administrator can’t veto the determination?
Because, like someone here said, guidelines might not carry from school to school. I’ve emailed a school but its office has not responded for about a week now.
The two are not intertwined. I can become emancipated without being homeless.
I’m not sitting in my parents’ billion dollar mention contemplating whether to be homeless for the next year or to continue to sleep comfortably, if that’s what you’re thinking. I already left.
Physical abuse is recognized as a cause for runaways going into homelessness, but leaving the abusive environment on one’s own (i.e., without government intervention) is always by choice. No one is forcing the runaway to leave so as long as he or she is legally entitled to parental shelter.</p>
<p>If you are (or were) being abused the proper channel is to go to the authorities and get social services involved, not to be a runaway. Thats just stupid. Are you telling us you were a victim of physical abuse or are you just citing that as an example? Not that it matters. You are being purposefully argumentative and I don’t wish to participate in your nonsense.</p>
<p>MM, I was trying to get you focused on asking the right questions (to your FAO)! I don’t know that anyone here can give you an answer you can or should rely on completely, including me. I think that you should start by making an appointment with your FA office - email is not the way to handle an uncommon and very personal situation. The info in the ifap handbook (which is a DoE publication for FA professionals) may answer some of your questions - there is an entire section on homeless/at-risk status starting around page 28:</p>
<p><a href=“http://ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/1011AVG.pdf[/url]”>http://ifap.ed.gov/fsahandbook/attachments/1011AVG.pdf</a></p>
<p>But remember…at the end of the day…it is the financial aid office at EACH school that will make a determination of whether this student is or isn’t homeless for their determination of a dependency override (so the student doesn’t have to provide parent info on the finaid forms…I believe THIS is what the OP is looking for).</p>
<p>Also…just an additional FYI to the OP…MANY schools that are need blind for admissions to freshmen are NOT need blind for admissions for transfer students. YMMV.</p>
<p>Thumper, I don’t think we really have a handle on how FAO’s, and the DoE, view homelessness with regard to FAFSA status. According to the ifap handbook, it’s not a dependency override in the traditional sense:</p>
<p>For the parents who are wondering: If the student can get a verification form filled out by a representative as described in the regulations, that student would be able to be considered independent without a dependency override. Financial aid offices will collect the documentation - if there is any reason to suspect that it was obtained fraudulently, they would investigate; otherwise, the student is independent per the regs.</p>
<p>If there is no verification from an official as described in the regs, the student can request that a financial aid officer make a determination that he is homeless. This would not be a dependency override - it is a determination that the student can be considered homeless, so the aid officer would allow the student’s dependency status to be “homeless” and therefore automatically independent.</p>
<p>The thing is, not all students who want an aid officer to consider them independent will get their wish. We recently turned down a request by a student to be considered homeless. His dad makes all children who live in his household turn out the lights for bed at 11 pm. The student claims that he cannot keep up with his studies if he must go to bed so early. He chooses instead to live in his car. His mother wrote a letter supporting the fact that her husband makes everyone go to bed by 11 and the student needed to leave because of that. We did not allow the student to be considered homeless. He HAS a home. If we let every kid who disagreed with his parents’ rules to be considered homeless, we’d sure have 'em lining up. </p>
<p>Now, this particular situation MIGHT have some underlying issues. In other words, is there more to the story that the student is not telling us? Maybe dad is emotionally abusive. However, if that is the case, the student must present documentation of the situation … laying it out for us to see (as kerissak finally did, for those who remember her thread). That would be a dependency override situation, though.</p>