Homeschooling in NJ?

Anyone homeschool in NJ? I am looking for info. My daughter is NOT homeschooled, but very much wants to be and I am trying to get more information. She will be entering her sophomore year.

Try googling “homeschool support groups in New Jersey” and “homeschool laws in New Jersey”. We have a state association in Georgia that is very helpful with accurate info for new homeschoolers. I wish you the best as you research to figure out which academic path is best for your child.

And hopefully a knowledgeable New Jersey homeschool family will respond here.

There are lots of homeschoolers and home schooling support groups and coops in NJ. You may want to look for the yahoo group NJloop for NJ homeschooling activities and news. Enoch offers a yearly homeschooling conference.

NJ is a great state for homeschooling as it offers a great deal of freedom. I have homeschooled for over two decades and for 18 years in NJ. Let me know if you have a specific question, @DVCmember