Homesick freshman second semester.

Hi there! I’ve been attending a university about 6 hours away from home, and although I thought I would be over being homesick, I’m not. It’s my second semester here and I just feel sick to my stomach. Is this normal? My first semester did not go to well academically, but I made it nontheless. I’m doing better in classes as of now, but still don’t feel so good. I have 2 really great friends and a few family members who attend college with me, but I still feel so… Homesick? I miss my friends from back home and that’s all I seem to think about as well and we haven’t been keeping so much in touch as they’re getting busier day by day. Please tell me it gets easier… I love the school don’t get me wrong, but I just can’t wipe out the homesickness. I also seem to not be able to make any friends which makes me even more upset… I’m trying but just isn’t enough. How long did it take for you to get used to college life and make friends? I have joined clubs and do talk to classmates.

This is perfectly normal. In fact, many students feel more homesick during the second semester and the second year. Leaving home and going to college is a life transition. The separating from home part is a process, not a discrete event, and your emotions about it are going to go up and down. This will improve over time as you master the competencies of adult life.

What is all happening is that all the excitement of going off to college for the first time has diminished, and you know all of the realities of being in college and taking care of yourself now. You know how much hard work it is, the studying, the dorm life, taking care of yourself (dining, laundry, money, etc.). You went home over break and got to crawl back into the cozy younger you environment for a few weeks and it felt really comfy, like an old favorite pair of jeans. But, if you went back there to live now, that wouldn’t work either. You can only go forward.

Accept how you feel, keep busy and on top of your studieis, hang out with your friends, have a coffee once in a while with those family members who go to your school, talk with your parents regularly, and it will all go fine. Hang in there.

The fact that you really like your school and your studies are going better this term is a plus. Good luck.

It’s okay to feel homesick, don’t give up, stick with it and eventually, you will feel right at home!

It just takes time.