Homesick- Please tell me how to deal.

<p>I’m so scared about leaving home. I have such a great life here in India: my best friends are my whole identity and they’re the bubble I’ve been in for the past 7 years. I love my family, my city and my friends so much. I’ll now be leaving for college in the US- I’m moving a whole continent away, putting an ocean between everything familiar and everything I love. I’m terrified beyond belief. I know I’m going to the US for the incredible education and travel opportunities through study abroad programs. But I was just thinking:
1.How do people deal with homesickness?
2.What do you tell yourself to make things better when you’re homesick?
3.How do people move on from one life to another?
4.How do you leave behind so many precious friendships? What if I live on another continent for the rest of my life, so far away from my best friends and family?
5.How hard is adjusting freshmen year?
I just have a hard time letting go.</p>

<p>For me what helped me feel better was communicating with my family regularly and knowing that I wasn’t the only person feeling homesick because its something all freshman go through at some point in their college years. Another thing that made me feel better was staying busy and hanging out with college friends to keep my mind off of feeling homesick and before long the homesickness faded and I didn’t miss home so much.</p>