Homosexuality - choice or not

<p>With Prop 8 there has been a lot of discussion on this topic. Please keep it civil - we all have opinions and should respect those who express their opinions calmly</p>

<p>oh god don’t</p>

<p>Kill this thread. We don’t need another pointless discussion that makes everyone angry, aka the abortion thread you started.</p>

<p>Being sexually attracted to people of the same gender isn’t a choice.</p>

<p>These are pressing current issues. You can’t be afraid to discuss things just because they are sensitive.</p>

<p>What’s pressing about them? There’s a very clear line with one group on each side, and no one’s crossing it. It’s pointless because the only people who think it’s a choice are people who are religious, and it inevitably comes down to “well my religion says this,” and how do you argue with that? You can’t, and nothing is accomplished. Religion is inherently illogical, so you can’t have logical debate. Start a thread on tax policy or regulatory structure if you want debate on pressing current issues, not one on homosexuality.</p>

<p>hmm i’d rather not dodge questions, no matter how difficult they are. you’re a negative influence on this thread</p>

<p>The question isn’t difficult, it’s inane. There won’t be any reasonable discourse because the two sides of the argument are irreconcilable. Nothing is served by two sides bickering, so stop trying to play it off like your asking all the big questions, and common ground will be found on an issue that is black and white for people.





<p>Was this you being a positive influence on the prom thread? Or was that just you judging others and informing them of your moral superiority?</p>

<p>this isn’t a matter of “dodging a question.” i can go on and on about how homosexuality isn’t a choice, but those who believe that it is are already dead set in their opinion and nothing i can say will change their minds. they are so determined in their beliefs that facts don’t affect them. hence the pointlessness of this prospective “debate”</p>


<p>yeah that too</p>

<p>Being attracted to members of the same sex is not a choice. Having sex with members of the same sex is a choice.</p>

<p>It is a choice that is completely reversible by psychotherapy, duh. Which is exactly why so many licensed therapists are willing to administer such treatments and so many “ex-gays” aren’t repressing crazy psychological issues. </p>

<p>< / sarcasm ></p>

<p>Are you serious? There is no proof that “converting” gays actually works…</p>

<p>what part of “end sarcasm” don’t you understand?
i have quite a few gay friends and am adamantly on the “non-conscious-choice” side</p>

<p>What is this? 1998? Shame on you for even asking this in 2008. </p>

<p>Is heterosexuality a choice? How do you know it’s not? If homosexuality is a choice, heterosexuality must be too. Is there a gene that makes you straight? Is there a gene that makes you gay? ENOUGH ALREADY!</p>

<p>How about we stop making pointlessly controversial threads?</p>

<p>true that, btp.</p>

<p>“Is there a gene that makes you straight? Is there a gene that makes you gay”</p>

<p>yeah there is. being gay is not naturally normal. it’s a genetic defect. </p>

<p>anyways being gay is not a choice but having a gay lifestyle is.</p>

<p>What is a “gay lifestyle”? LOL. Is sexual attraction really that important?</p>

<p>This article has some decent side links.
[BBC</a> NEWS | Health | Scans see ‘gay brain differences’](<a href=“http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7456588.stm]BBC”>BBC NEWS | Health | Scans see 'gay brain differences')</p>

<p>Relevant tidbits include include:
i) a gene with evolutionary advantage in females (whom it makes promiscuous) and homosexuality in males
ii) the tendency of homosexuality to occur in twins
iii) the tendency of homosexuality to occur in younger brothers
iv) brain differences between straight and gay males</p>

<p>With or without all the evidence, I don’t care if it’s a choice. Given lots of people queerer than the outest of gays, such behaviour is just cute. There’s no harm there, no need to limit “love”, a social advantage to reduced sexual competition, a long and rich history of productive same sex sex; and the sexuals might as well do who they please so long as they please who they do.</p>

<p>Btw, Ans. ~= Yes.</p>

<p>“Being attracted to members of the same sex is not a choice. Having sex with members of the same sex is a choice.”</p>

<p>Post 12</p>

<p>Hmm. Do I smell contradiction?!</p>