Honest Question About Wisc Social Life (From an Accepted Transfer Student)

<p>I was recently admitted to UWisc as a transfer student from American University (D.C.). I applied because in a lot of ways I think I'm missing out on a true college experience at AU. Wisc is an amazing school, and it doesn't hurt that I'm a huge sports fan and would love to be jumpin' around at football games with the rest of the badgers.</p>

<p>Here's my question though. As a person who's been at college for a year now, is there really much to do on, say a friday or saturday night, that isn't partying? Don't get me wrong, I love to go out, but there's always nights where staying sober and going out to do fun stuff with friends that are just as good. Maybe more generally, what is the social scene like at UWisc?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all the help!</p>

<p>Well, the coffee shops are just as busy as some of the bars on weekends. So are the various plays, music shows etc. You can do what you want and there will be other people there doing it too.</p>

<p>I’m going to be honest with you. It depends on your circle of friends and what culture you all subscribe to. I have been part of circles where honestly if I wanted to be sober on a weekend night I would probably be by myself. I have also been part of circles that were perfectly happy to go do something sober on a weekend now and then. It varies a lot. There are many of those people who feel that they absolutely have to go get drunk three nights a week, but you are under no obligation to hang out with those people.</p>

<p>The drinking scene is huge. It’s part of a lot of aspects of campus life. But most people who do drink enjoy doing other things as well, so don’t worry about that. Perhaps this is just a freshman thing (and may have something to do with where I lived dormwise) but there was a lot of glorification of “the weekend” and anything that wasn’t drinking or getting intoxicated in some way was seen as kind of a waste. This is by no means universal and you will find others who don’t share this philosophy (I also think by sophomore year many people relax and are less like that) but it’s just something I kept noticing - I even noticed myself thinking that way for a while, though I’m starting to calm down a bit about that…I like to go out most weekend nights but I don’t mind taking the occasional break.</p>

<p>DavisJudo where are you rooming? I was recently accepted as well as a transfer (Sophomore this fall). Doesn’t look like I will get campus housing. Looking at The Towers. Looks nice. Just worried about whole “coastie” thing. Not trying to be judgmental though.</p>

<p>^The coastie thing is nothing to seriously worry about. I promise.</p>