Honest Question

<p>I mean for this to be as frank a post as possible. Is VT going to be a harsh enviorment for Asian and specifically Korean students from now on?</p>

<p>I can't imagine why that should be the case. One wacko does not paint the picture of a whole nationality. If anything, this should make people take more notice of "loner" types of people. I don't know what the solution is to help those kinds of people though. </p>

<p>Enough of us have friends and colleagues of various nationalities and races to know that one bad apple doesn't in any way represent them all. I hope that others would agree....</p>

<p>I honestly doubt it. It was one person who just happened to be Asian. There might be one or two idiots who hold it against all Asians but I like to think that people are a little smarter than that. Its not like Arabs. I'm not saying it is right to hate Muslims just because they are Muslims. I am just saying that I can understand why some ignorant people hold it against every one. Because it is well known that thousands upon thousands of them have these extreme views and thousands are willing to do crazy things. Maybe even millions. But one person in a culture isn't going to incur the wrath of everyone else.</p>

<p>this is good to here. i am of korean nationality, but since I was born and raised in Cincinnati and Hawaii, I've never identified myself as anything different then a regular midwest boy.</p>

<p>I am Indian living in the Middle East and witnessed first hand the turn of the US Consulate here in issuing visas to many Arabs post 9-11. At the time my brother was at college in his freshman year and he told tales of the Arab Community being discriminated agaisnt. So it is quite natural to feel such emotions and ask such questions. </p>

<p>Personally , I do not think any backlash will occur. Maybe the first few weeks will be tough for some of the Korean Community. However from the start of fall term this year , everything would be returned to normal.</p>

<p>I am one of the lucky parents who had a son return safely home from Va Tech today. You have nothing to worry about. I had a lovely Korean woman express her dismay at what happened at Va Tech and she had the same concern you do. When I told the story to my son today he said that never came up in conversation nor did it cross anyones mind that Asians were to blame for this persons individual decision to act in this manner. I don't hate any race for one persons actions (Timothy Mc Veigh) nor do any of the students at Vt. Tech. I think you will find yourself being embraced by the Hokie Spirit and you will be proud to be Hokie. The spirit you have seen this week is not an act, these kids are amazing so don't discredit them by thinking they would ever blame an entire race because of this person.</p>

<p>im asian, american born, but not korean. I'm going to be freshmen in virginia, but not VT. Now, i'm a little scary about sterotypes all asian. I'm going to state of virginia in 4 months. You know, asians look the same, with black hair, yellow face =(</p>