Honestly flummoxed on how to start figuring out what schools to look at for T&F-- help!

I just want to thank everyone here for all of your thoughtful responses. I really appreciate all of you.

The joke of this is that I project manage for a living, and here I am looking to outsource it so I don’t have to have my kid tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about. LOL.


I do get the desire to outsource, I considered it for my kid as I did not want to create drama with him. But seriously - don’t do it, if they really want the stress/commitment of being a student athlete they need to drive the bus NOW. It is not easy to balance academics and serious athletics even at a D3 school so whether they can manage to email coaches is a huge indication if they’re actually serious about this and a counselor not familiar with T&F is going to be zero help and not reduce your stress at all.


I disagree. The requirements are not less at a D3 school and may even be more difficult as the travel may be harder and less plush than at a well funded D1 school team. Bus time!

We found being on a team made my daughter much more organized than many of her classmates who weren’t on teams. For her first semester she had required study tables so she was sitting in the library 4 nights a week and developed really good study habits. She couldn’t miss class (her coach received a notice). She took notes for someone who missed class on another team and would help him work the proofs. She really learned the material - and how to take good notes.

But I agree that by hiring a consultant you give up some control of the process. More people involved, more messages and perhaps miscommunications.

It’s not necessary, but if OP wants to pay a consultant it might be the best decision for that family.

My son’s school did a study and they found that athletes’ GPAs were higher when they were in season. That has also been true for my son.

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Agree. And I can see where a consultant could be helpful for narrowing and focusing on the best school selection and fit, though I would keep the consultant out of the recruiting part, and handle all communications with coaches, etc. direct and inform the consultant on the progress if need be.